Thursday, April 9, 2015

# 109 For Dr Kek Pung, President LICADHO re Hang Vibol, APLE & NGO’s relationship with the media

Hang Vibol, APLE & NGO’s relationship with the media
Dear Dr Pung
Consider the case of Hang Vibol from a human rights perspective. It is the human rights of the children involved that I am interested in here.
Hang Vibol is in jail. He has been refused bail. This suggests the evidence that the has sexually abused children, as presented to the courts by Action Pour les Enfants, is strong.
Based on the time line presented by APLE itself, Thierry Darnaudet and Samleang Siela believed they were in possession of strong evidence of Hang Vibol’s guilt back in July 2014.
Why  then did it take 8 months for APLE, in conjunction of MoSVY, to remove children from his care who were clearly, on the basis of APLE ‘evidence’ at risk?  
Surely, in any case in which there is suspicion that a man with children in his care is guilty of sexual abuse, he should be removed from his position until such time as a proper investigation takes place? Indeed, it would be appropriate for the man himself (Hang Vibol) to vacate his position until such time as the investigation was completed.
So, why did Hang Vibol not resign? Was it because no charges had been laid? Was it because he was not aware that he was under investigation? Or was it because, despite his knowing that he was under investigation, he felt no need to resign because he knew himself to be innocent?
Does LICADHO ask these kinds of questions of its partner Action Pour les Enfants?
If it transpires, when Hang Vibol’s case goes to trial,  that APLE alleges children were sexually abused by him between July 2014 and March 2015, APLE will have clearly failed in its duty of care to these children. Thierry Darnaudet and Samleang Siela, in conjunction with MoSVY, will have failed dismally to prevent sexual abuse from occurring that they were in a position to prevent; that they had a duty to prevent.
Samleang Siela goes to great lengths to pretend that Thierry Darnaudet has nothing to do with Actrion Pour les Enfants. This, of course, is nonsense. And LICADHO knows it to be nonsense. Does this lie on the part of Siela bother LOCADHO at all?
If, on the off chance,  LICADHO believes Siela, check out Darnaudet’s twitter account:
Given that LICADHO ‘partners’ with APLE, are you satisfied with the way in which APLE has carried out its investigation into Hang Vibol’s alleged sexual abuse of children? I am not asking for an opinion vis a vis Hang Vibol’s guilt or innocence but for an assessment of the professionalism APLE has brought to protecting children in this instance.
You will not, of course, respond in any way to this email because, when all is said and one, LICADHO is no more transparent and accountable than the vast majority of NGOs in Cambodia.
This brings me to the NGO law that has been on the books for some time and which it seems Hun Sen will now push to have enacted. NGOs will fight tooth and nail to prevent any law that requires transparency and accountability on their part seeing the light of day.
I wonder if an NGO law of the kind Hun Sen has in mind would be necessary if the NGO community had, many years ago, made some effort to monitor the activities of NGOs and to insist that all should be transparent and accountable? To use a recent example:
It is clear that Scott Neeson’s Cambodian Children’s Fund claims that it spends $4,000 per annum for each child that the NGO has in residential care. You know, Dr Pung, that this is nonsense. LICADHO knows that it is nonsense. The NGO community knows this to be nonsense and yet none of you utter a peep of protest. None of you will ask, in public:
“How is it, Scott, that you claim to be spending $4,000 per year on one child? One child with a family whose combined annual income is around a third of this amount? One child who shares a bed with 2 or 3 others in a dormitory?”
Scott is not alone, as you know, in exploiting the poverty of Cambodian families for financial gain. CCF may well be responsible for removing more children from their families than any other NGO (700+), but there are plenty of others running sham ‘orphanages’ for profit – as you know. Why does LICADHO not, as a human rights issue, name and shame these NGOs?
The term ‘Scambodia’ has been attached to the country for some years now because a Wild West mentality has prevailed. Any NGO that wished to put up a shingle could go into business – setting up fake orphanages, fake rescue centres (Citipointe church’s ‘SHE Rescue Home’, for example) and other such institutions designed to milk as many dollars as possible from donors and sponsors. The ‘NGO community’ has turned a blind eye to these scamming NGOs  – enabling them to exploit the poverty of most Cambodians and the good will of sponsors and donors.
Given the lack of action on the part of the NGO community it is hardly surprising that the government should wish to force NGOs to be more transparent and accountable. An NGO law is not the only force that NGOs must now push back against. There is also the media – no longer so easy to manipulate as it has been in the past.
Up until relatively recently, those employed by the ‘aid industry’, could behave pretty much as they chose and feel secure in the knowledge that they would not be exposed as inefficient, incompetent, ineffectual or downright fraudulent.
Times are changing, however. It is now possible for bloggers such as myself to challenge the status quo in a way that the mainstream media cannot. And, through Facebook and other social media, the recipients of aid can be both educated and become vocal advocates for themselves. The paternalistic neo-colonial model for the delivery of aid is breaking down. And it is time that it did.
An excellent article has been published recently in which a whole range of issues relating to aid have been canvassed. The title is instructive:
‘Obstructive’ is certainly a word I would use in relation to my own attempts to get answers to questions from NGOs (including LICADHO) this past few years.
An extract from THE AID INDUSTRY:
“An overview of recent articles in the press and programmes on radio and television suggests there is an appetite for stories that question aid policy and the work of NGOs. Certainly many of those interviewed for this briefing thought that there was more criticism and in most cases, they felt that this was probably overdue.
One of the most consistent and severe critics of NGOs and the aid sector generally is Ian Birrell, a freelance columnist and foreign correspondent who writes principally for the Daily Mail, but also several other newspapers including the Guardian, Observer,
Daily Telegraph and The Times. He clearly sets out his own position in an article written for the Daily Mail in November 2013 in which he criticizes the arrogance of the ever-growing global relief industry which wastes money on ill-conceived, extravagant and vainglorious projects and marginalizes local expertise.
In an interview for this briefing he attributed increased criticism of the aid sector to 4 main factors:
- the narrative of aid which has gone on for a long time but ultimately failed
- the growing sophistication of the academic argument against aid (see his review of William Easterly’s Tyranny of Experts in The Guardian)
- the digital age which has given a voice to the previously voiceless in the developing world;
- the emergence of the Chinese model in Africa which he suggests is having a more positive impact than aid.
He rejects the idea that criticism can easily
be dismissed as part of a Daily Mail agenda and believes that comments in the liberal press are also beginning to change.
When I write on these issues for the Guardian or the Independent, I’m increasingly noticing that the comments I get are much more supportive... The criticism used to come from people who didn’t like to give aid to foreigners. Now it’s coming from people who care, but realize the flaws in the old fashioned, simplistic model.”
In the case of Cambodia it seems to be less a matter of NGOs being defensive as being completely immune to any form of criticism; to see themselves as being above criticism. NGOs can ignore all criticism because, after all, who is going to hold any NGO in Cambodia to account? No-one.
What happens in any sphere of life, even in countries that enjoy the benefits of ‘civil society’, when institutions are not held to be sufficiently accountable? Corruption. And what happens when corruption is endemic and when the institutions that are either corrupt or turn a blind eye to the corruption of others in the same business? Regulation. Government regulation.
Hun Sen may have other reasons for wanting to bring in a tough NGO law but the NGO community can only blame itself for having done nothing this past decade to root out and expose  the ‘bad apples’ within the NGO community that bring the reputations of all NGOs into disrepute.
As I mentioned in a recent email to Chad Williams, editor of the Phnom Penh Post, one aspect of this new digital age we have entered, is that for better and for worse whatever is published on the internet stays on the internet and can be accessed by anyone interested - one, five and twenty years hence. In 20 years time if anyone ‘googles’ Dr Kek Pung this blog entry (amongst many others) will come up.
It is inevitable that the time will come when this period of Cambodian history will be carefully dissected by historians, sociologists and others. A name will probably be applied to the period that began with the 1995 ‘free and fair elections’ (‘Scambodia’ perhaps!) – a period that saw not just the exploitation of Cambodia by a corrupt kleptocracy (with the blessing of the international donor community) but the exploitation of Cambodia by NGOs using the lack of rule of law to milk tens of millions of dollars from sponsors and donors who believed that they were helping poor Cambodians.
History will record that LICADHO wrote thousands of reports during this time but had little impact in terms of protecting the human rights of Cambodians. The children who grew up during this era will have vivid memories of having seen their parents’ and grandparents’ homes and land stolen; of the country’s natural resources being stolen. Many will also have vivid memories of being effectively stolen from their families by NGOs to grow up in institutions.
These children, when they grow up, will have no reason to thank LICADHO but many reasons to feel angry that LICADHO did nothing to protect them from the human rights abuses practiced by the NGOs that broke up their families. This includes those children who may have been sexually abused by Hang Vibol between July 2014 and March 2015. And it includes all those children who were removed from their homes and families as a result of fraudulent charges brought by APLE against innocent men.
It should not be necessary to write this but I, like pretty much everyone, have nothing but contempt for men who sexually abuse children. I, like pretty much everyone else, believe that such men should be jailed for long periods of time. However, it is this very ‘hatred’ of pedophiles that enables NGOs like APLE to keep its corrupt business model functional and profitable. And, alas, APLE does so with the blessing of LICADHO, along with all others who provide APLE with their tacit  support – even if this is only turning a blind eye, a deaf ear and hurrying their heads in the sand.
best wishes
James Ricketson


  1. Two ways to deal with a pest.

    1. Exterminate it using pest spray, or

    2. Ignore it and it will eventually move on.

    Im so happy to see the people who you continually annoy and slag with your innuendo electing to use method number 2.

    1. Hey, Anonymous 8.50 Troll! Why don't you take your own advice and ignore this 'pest'. You keep coming back for more. What, you have no life apart from being a troll?

    2. The trolls are out in force today! Welcome, guys, you are always good for much needed comic relief.

  2. One thing you can hang your hat on Ricketson as a result of your blogs. You have 100% ruined any chances of David Fletcher getting his case heard, simply because you have constantly thrown innuendo around, trying to tarnish the reputations of good people. And the common theme coming from many of those people who you have tried to tarnish, both Khmer and Foreigner, is that you aren't worth replying to.

    A clear message to any one else thinking that Ricketson will save you. Don't let him ruin your case!

    1. Who are you claiming to be the 'good people', Anonymous 8:56?

    2. Dear Anonymous 8.56, you and Anonymous 8.50 share n common a wonderful, dare I say 'poetic', facility with words:

      "continually annoy and slag with your innuendo" & "you have constantly thrown innuendo around".

      Seriously, though, in what way do you believe that I have, through my advocacy on behalf of Mr Fletcher's right to a fair trial, "ruined his chances" of a fair trial. Are you trying to suggest that if I did not try to "tarnish the reputations of good people" like Samleang Siela and Thierry Darnaudet that they might have felt inclined to organise a 'fair trial'?

      Please do feel free to expand on the proposition you have presented here.

  3. Could you imagine Ricketson using his diplomacy skills to represent the Bali 9 due who are on death row in Indonesia?

    1. Yes they would of been executed already. As much as I think Fletcher is a germ, I still feel sorry that he has had his chances of a say ruined by Ricketson. But this just goes to show how much of a low life Fletcher is. The only friend who will come out to voice for him is another low life cunt like Ricketson. What a sad life!

    2. Dear Anonymous 1.20

      Have you ever met David Fletcher? If not, on what basis do you refer to him as a 'germ'? What you have read on Khmer440?Scott Neeson's declaration to disgraced journalist Andre Drummond that Fletcher was "grooming young girls"?

  4. Ricketson you are a cunt. A grade A cunt. And a fucking liar. Scott Neeson, a better man than you could ever hope to be, never said he spent $4,000 on each of the kids in his homes. You are just trying to defame him. Neeson should sue you, you worthless cunt.

    1. Anonymous 9:14, If you are able to read a tax form, please have a look here: Might be simpler for you if you start on pg. 2. Keep in mind that this report only covers money made for US taxx reporting (collected nearly $30,000 a DAY in donations. He also has donations from UK, two organizations in Australia and one in HK. Enjoy your day.

    2. Dear Anonymous 9.14

      As Anonymous 11.20 has pointed out, I d8d not pluck the figure of $4,000 per child out of thin air. This is the figure Scott Neeson has given to the US Tax Department as the cost per child per annum.

      Based on this figure, a family with five children in residential care with CCF earns CCF $20,000 a year. I happen to know the mother of five children whose income is around $1000 a year - with which she has to feed herself and her three remaining children.

      Check the website and do the maths yourself.

  5. The NGO Defense Force "all of the Anonymous" is out again. I am certain that the only thing they worry about is the fact that their source of income will soon be history.

    Do the 2400 registered NGO in Cambodia really have nothing else to say ? Oh, i forgot....... OMERTA !

    Licado is now in the same Boat as Aple for doing nothing ........................................... !

    1. Are you jealous? Tell us what you do in Cambodia for work. Im sure its a $1000 a month school teacher or some other blow fly occupation. Fucking cock head!

  6. Well said anonymous 9.14pm. Ricketson is a pathetic cunt. A 'has been' that hates life and anyone who is successful. Jealousy is a curse Ricketson. And you can bet that all of the worthless piss-pants that are supporting Ricketson on this blog are in the same boat. Haters of success because they are failures in their own lives. Fucking worthless bunch of cunts all of you!!!!!!! Fuck off back to your own country and let us get back to building a better Cambodia!

    1. Dear Anonymous 12.21

      The word 'cunt' is being used so much today that I can't help but wonder if there re not many anonymous commentators but just one with nothing better to do with his time than make comments of this 'boring blog'.

      I know that 'facts' are of little importance to you and that answering questions is not your forte but if you do have a bit of spare time on your hands and you can manage to do so without using the word 'cunt' please do let me know who these "successful" people are and what it is that constitutes their success?

    2. Why would any sane person put their personal details on your blog. I know why - so when you are looking for another person to defame, you can't turn your attention to a person who has called you a cunt - which are many.

      Sorry for using the word cunt - let me re-phrase - you are a fucking piece of shit that needs to be flushed.

    3. Dear Anonymous 8.42

      It is probably pointless my asking this, since you are not in the habit of answering any questions at all but here goes:

      "Quote one instance, in this blog, where I have defamed anyone?"

      As for the "fucking piece of shit that needs to be flushed" I wonder what it is you hope to achieve in making such unimaginative schoolboy insults? Do you hope that I will, in a rage, want to have a fight with you online? Do you hope, with such insults, that I will be deeply hurt? Or even mildly hurt? What is the point of making such insults?

      It will probably disappoint you to know that your insults are sometimes mildly amusing, sometimes a little annoying but essentially fatuous and pointless. I hope that you are not a school teacher or in any position that enables you to influence the minds of young Cambodians. You are precisely the sort of person that Cambodia does not need. The country has enough problems to deal with already.

  7. To:


    i am writing to you from Cambodia where i recently learned that french
    national Thierry Darnaudet associates your NGO with him. He is the
    founder and president of Cambodia's most controversial NGO and i would like to warn you about him. Many critical
    stories that appeared of him on the web have been erased by whatever
    means he had available but a current website will fill you in where we
    stand today:

    Thierry Darnaudet cannot visit Cambodia anymore because of his constant
    set ups and lies. He now tries to branch out his business model to
    nepal, philippines, costa rica and many south american countries where
    he calls himself a "technical advisor".

    He is suicidal and tried to take his life in a 4 star calcutta, india
    hotel in july 2007 and a clear danger to children.

    Tom Selig

  8. To:

    Dear Sir,

    You recently received an email from a person calling themselves Tom Selig. You may want to know that Tom Selig is a foreigner who lives in Cambodia. He has been in Cambodia for many years and has constantly been a vexatious complainant and serial blogger.

    Tom Selig has a colourful and questionable history. Apart from the fact that he is known to sexually target young girls, he has been accused of fraud and defamation.

    Contrary to his baseless, lacking evidence innuendo about people like Thierry Darnaudet, there are numerous people in Cambodia who would gladly provide you with evidence of Selig's colourful past.


  9. Is Thierry Darnaudet a Sociopath ?

    A friend of mine who works in a medical facility in Phnom Penh recently said that if evaluated by a qualified PhD would probably be classified as a Sociopath.

    Possibly through dual quirks of genetics (his grandgrandfather may have been such a character) and enviroment (Calcutta can do this to you) it is possible that he suffers of antisocial personality disorder which is "a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others". Key among the characteristics of the diagnosis are a lack of remorse, a penchant for deceit and a failure to conform to social norms.

    He is on the other hand intelligent, strategic and canny and confident as well as charming but also struggles to react appropriately to other people's often confusing and emotion driven social clues. He is outright agressive and destructive when something does not fit his path.

  10. Are we talking about the same David Fletcher that has criminal convictions from many decades ago for sexually abusing children in the UK since 1967 by any chance. Maybe Mr Ricketson you believe every piece of evidence gathered in 3 different countries by numerous police, government bodies and NGOs to be a plot to jail an innocent man because they have nothing better to do with their time. Grow up and stop defending scum like this. Let him rot in jail

    1. Dear Anonymous 10.40

      See below for a detailed response to Richard Shear's article but in the meantime, some questions for you:

      (1) Do you have any evidence at all that David Fletcher was "sexually abusing children in the UK since 1967"?

      (2) What evidence are you referring to that was collected in three countries? Have you seen it? Are you aware that this 'evidence' was not presented in the so called 'trial' - held without either Mr Fletcher's presence or knowledge?
      (3) There is zero evidence in any of the court documents that supports the proposition that David Fletcher raped Yang Dany - the most persuasive of which is that she remained a virgin after the alleged rapes and had made clear that she and her mother had the 'rape' idea planted in their minds by an NGO that told them they stood to gain $30,000 in damages if they accused Fletcher of rape. Do you have evidence that the Phnom Penh Municipal Court was not privy to?

      You will answer none of these questions because you have no interest in facts, evidence or truth but have some kind of axe to grind with David Fletcher!

  11. Please read one of many articles on David Fletcher as showing below

    1. Dear Anonymous 10.43

      You clearly accept that anything written in a newspaper must be true! True?

      Most of what Richard Shears wrote in this article, by his own admission, he got from other journalists. And where did these journalists get their information from? There are three sources primarily:

      Peter Hogan, Andrew Drummond and Scott Neeson

      Peter Hogan made no secret of the fact that his goal was to see David Fletcher locked up in Prey Sar. He even boasted about it when it happened and took a good deal of the credit himself. Here is what he wrote on Khmer440 On Wed 2nd Oct 2013, in celebration of David Fletcher’s recently announced jail sentence:

      “Cold drinks will most certainly be taken this evening to toast Fletcher's first night in his new abode.

      I recall that 4(!) years ago when Grandslam and myself hatched our plan, we made a sequential list of desirable outcomes beginning with getting his 'charity' closed then moving onto having his shithole-in-the-wall bar closed, having him outed in the press (and fuck, did we achieve that one!) etc etc.

      Today, the last box on the sheet ('Fletch in Prey Sar') was finally ticked off so I'll allow myself a few strong drinkies in celebration and will be raising my glass to Grandslam back in the UK.

      Goodnight Cambodia and good mental health.”

      Andrew Drummond is (was!) a sensationalist gutter journalist who has been totally discredited and sued multiple times for defamation. And then there is Scott Neeson who told Andrew Drummond in June 2010:

      “There is little doubt Fletcher devotes his time to grooming young girls….The fact is these children can be bought. It’s difficult to stop it. The British Embassy have been told about Fletcher. Many organizations have files on him, but nothing has happened. If you can get this guy sent packing you are doing a service to the children here.”

      Fletcher was ‘sent packing’ one month later and has been in jail ever since.

      I have asked Neeson countless times to supply evidence in support of his defamatory allegations that Fletcher was ‘grooming young girls’. He has not done so.

      …to be continued…

    2. ....continuing...

      Richard Shears’ mistake was to accept, as an act of faith, that the journalists he was using as a source, had their facts straight. The problem with sensationalist newspapers like the Daily Mail is that facts, truth and evidence are much less important than having a good story to tell. And if such gutter journalism contributes to the destruction of a man’s life, the attitude of the sensationalist journalist is “tough shit”.

      I have asked the following questions of Richard Shears but, six months later, have yet to receive an answer on the record. I will email this to Richard and see if I have more joy this time around.


      - What evidence do you have that David Fletcher is a ‘notorious British paedophile’?

      - Where did you get the information that Fletcher had raped a Cambodian girl after plying her with champagne?

      - Did you attempt to verify Andrew Drummond’s claim that Fletcher “Fled to Thailand in the wake of claims that he was using a charity to groom for sex a number of poverty-stricken children who lived in a rubbish dump.” Did you ask Drummond if he had any evidence to back up his claims?

      - Do you have any evidence at all that “Fletcher, from Cambridge, has a history of assaults on children.”

      - You write in your article, “He said of his conviction later: 'She was just my girlfriend…I just did it ahead of her 16th birthday. People will stoop very low to say bad things about me.'” Where did you acquire this information? From Andrew Drummond? Did you attempt to find out from court documents or press accounts of the time what the judge said about the incident with the ’15 year old girl’?

      - You write, “Later in Cambodia police built up a file of evidence showing that Fletcher had used his charity to groom young girls - and also their families - with the intention of having sex with the them.” What evidence do you have, other than claims made by Scott Neeson to Andrew Drummond, that David Fletcher ‘intended to have sex’ with young girls he had ‘groomed’? Have you seen the police file? Have you interviewed the police in relation to this serious allegation?

      …to be continued…
      Anonymous 10.43, I imagine that you live and work in Cambodia and are familiar with the way things work there. Imagine if a latter day Peter Hogan decided to destroy your reputation online and spent years doing so. Imagine if Hogan’s assertion that you were grooming young girls was picked up by a gutter journalist and given credibility by Scot Neeson. Imagine then that you were arrested and tried in absentia for a crime that you could not have committed because you were not in Cambodia at the time; a crime that your alleged victim said you did not commit and which forensic evidence says you did not commit.

      Imagine yourself in David Fletcher’s position before you next believe, without question, what you read in a newspaper like the Daily Mail.

    3. Sorry, are you telling me that I am incorrect and that Fletcher was not sentenced in a British court for raping a 15 year old child Mr Ricketson ?? Are you also telling me that the British Police and courts imprisoned David Fletcher when he was not guilty of child rape. Please do not paint a picture of him as a saint when he is a convicted pedophile.

    4. In 1998, David Fletcher was convicted of statutory rape. This involved consensual sex with a 15 (almost 16 year old) girl. This was both wrong and illegal and David Fletcher paid the price for his crime.

      This does not make him a "notorious pedophile" - at least not until the media had decided to call him one.

      I ask again, what evidence do you have that David Fletcher was "sexually abusing children in the UK since 1967"? What is your source? Peter Hogan? Andrew Drummond?

      And what is the nature of the evidence you refer to? Have you seen it? Why was it not presented to the court at Mr Fletcher's secret trial?

    5. It appears that plying a 16 year old with booze makes the rape consensual in your opinion Mr Ricketson. Interestingly his ex business partner was not overly impressed with the complaints he received about Fletcher being overly familiar with the young girls on the dump where he ran his "charity" either, or with the amount of unaccounted for money that had been donated.

      For some reason the phrase "the louder he protested his innocence the faster we counted our silver" comes to mind with your never ending rants to protect a proven pedophile. I am sure one day you will attempt to be the savior of Jimmy Savilles reputation also.

      Perhaps you should consider spending some of the time you devote to dragging others down in your 109 blogs to actually helping abused kids in developing countries. Possibly you would then understand what it is like to build something instead of only having the ability to sit on the sidelines and criticize those that are doing their best. I am sure that like me many of the people who accidentally stumbled on your blogs are intelligent enough to have also Googled you and realize as I do that you spend your life doing nothing but being a serial pest to organisations in several countries around the world.

    6. ;Anonymous 8:04 Are you referring Ross, the operator of CHOICE, that tried to commander David's work, as his 'partner'? How your imagination must work!!

    7. No, not using my imagination, just using information from one of the dozens of independent articles that can be found online about a pedophile called David Fletcher as shown below. But of course you will try and discredit the story of any investigative journalist who spent a day undercover with Fletcher

      "Fletcher used to run his charity from a bar called “Bogie and Bacall” but the two Australian colleagues he had quickly left.

      One of them, Ross Wright, said: “We decided to go our own way. He never once showed us the bank account into which donations were going.

      "There were tens of ­thousands of dollars ­coming in. Cash was ­being donated by Rotary Clubs and big private ­donors. We also had ­complaints of him being too familiar with young girls.”

      Fletcher is now being investigated by Britain’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, which has officers in South East Asia.

      CEOP, part of the Serious and Organised Crime Agency, has established a ­presence there in the last two years and is ­working with Cambodian police.

      A spokesman said: “We are aware of complaints about David Fletcher and have been in ­discussion with the ­authorities.”

    8. Dear Anonymous 8.04

      My use of the word 'consensual' relates to how the Judge described the sex that took place between Fletcher and the 15 (soon to be 16) year old girl.

      What Fletcher did was wrong, it was illegal, and he paid the price for it. Are you suggesting that because be had consensual sex with a 15 year old girl in 1998 that he ,must therefore be guilty of raping Yang Dany 12 years later?

      This is the logic that informs so many comments here. This is not the way the law works. Or, should I say, the way the law is supposed to work. An accused person should be tried for the current crime they have been accused of - not for a previous crime. Yes, in sentencing, the judge can take previous convictions into account but what took place in 1998 has no bearing at all on what may or may not have transpired in 2009 and 2010 between David Fletvher and Yang Dany.

      As for David Fletcher being "overly familiar" with girls at the dump, what does this phrase mean? How did this overly familiar approach manifest itself in a very public context where whole families were lined to to receive food? And where does this allegation come from? A business partner that Fletcher had a falling out with, is the answer. And where did you read this? I can tell you. On Khmer440. So, on the basis of a comment made by a disgruntled former business partner of Fletcher's you have decided that he must be guilty of rape!

      As for what I have done and am doing to help people in 3rd world countries, what does this have to do with David Fletcher's guilt or innocence. As it happens the answer is 'a lot' but this is of no relevance.

      The same applies to other battles I have fought with the mental health system in NSW, Australia and with other government bodies not known for either their transparency or accountability. What do these 'battles' have to do with the guilt or innocence of David Fletcher?

    9. Dear Anonymous 10.21

      Dozens of independent articles? Name one that did not use Neeson, Hogan or Drummond as their source?

      As for the rest of your comment, I will return to it later. I have no time just now

    10. Try doing a search on Google James with the search terms David Fletcher child sex Cambodia and you will find several articles that do not use the 3 names you have mentioned above. You appear to have forgotten in your post above that whilst the girl was 15 (soon to be 16) Fletcher was 50 (soon to be 51) In anybody's book this is not considered to be normal adult sexual behavior. You further forgot to mention he was convicted of indecent assault, taking an indecent photograph of a child and possessing a prohibited weapon. And YES I do consider sex with a 15 year old that was first plied with champagne to be non consensual.

      The fact that under child protection laws in many countries Fletcher would not have been allowed to start a charity working with vulnerable children might explain why he chose never to legally register his organization in Cambodia. The second crime of which he was convicted would most likely never have happened if he had tried to register his charity and declared his previous conviction for sex and indecent acts with a child, hence the relevance in my earlier comment. Agreed the battles you have previously fought have no relevance to David Fletcher but more go to show you appear to have little interest in life other than to stir shit.

      I am somewhat amazed that despite your continued blogs winding up various Cambodian NGO's the press, government departments both in Cambodia and the UK (who you seem to think are all colluding against David Fletcher) that you recently visited Cambodia if you think this is really happening. Surely if you had any sense you would think they were all going to get you back for some of your accusations the moment you stepped into the country with the power you claim they have.

      This leads me to a conclusion that either you are incredibly stupid (something that is backed up by the number of ridiculous posts you make) or more likely the case that you are not scared that you will be stitched up on return to Cambodia because you know your published theories not to be correct and are simply a way of helping a child sex offender friend of yours to get an early release

    11. Anonymous 10;21 Isn't CHOICE the crooks that advertised on their website for a year and a half that they were helping children at the dump, and never helped them? Is Ross's group CHOICE the group that registered as a charity 2 years before they came to work with David and attempted to take over his organization. WOW, you have a very reliable source there!

    12. Either anonymous 10;21 doesn't know any details or he is trying to hide them!!

    13. Anonymous 10;21, you should go ask your friend, brother or lover if what I say is true, as you are trying to slander Fletcher without one piece of evidence!!

    14. Dear Anonymous 1.44

      All the articles draw their information from the same sources and all of these sources are unreliable. Yang Dany and her mother both insist that she was not raped. The doctor’s report, presented to the court, says that Yang Dany was a virgin. If there were a thousand articles online that said David Fletcher raped Yang Dany, would that make to allegation more true? Does the number of articles trump the facts?

      I wonder how many times I need to make this point before it sinks in: No, a 50 year old man having sex (even consensual) with a 15 year old girl is not ‘normal’ but what does this have to do with whether or not he raped Yang Dany 12 years later? Given your previous profession you have a good understanding of how the law works.

      Yes, “under child protection laws in many countries” David Fletcher would not have been able to start a charity. Excuse me for belabouring the point but what does this have to do with whether or not he raped Yang Dany? This is what he is doing 10 years in jail for.

      As it happens, Mr Fletcher did not start a charity. He was taking food to poor families and, at times, arranging for medical assistance to poor people who could not afford medical help. I have been doing the same for the past 20 years in an informal way – helping Cambodians in need to the best of my financial abilities. I am not a registered charity. Nor was David Fletcher.

      As for my having little interest in life other than to ‘stir shit’, you clearly do not know much about my life. If you did, you would realize how wrong you are. But, again, excuse me for belabouring the point yet again, but what does this have to do with whether or not David Fletcher is guilty of rape?

      More by chance than by design I met David Fletcher and, upon speaking to his alleged victim and on reading the doctor’s report to the court, decided to advocate on his behalf to be provided with a fair trial. You can call this ‘stirring shit’ if you chose. Others might refer to it as ‘journalism’. Given the human rights element here others might see my ‘stirring shit’ as human rights activism. Call it what you will.

      If you read this blog entry (#109) you will find that I do not mention David Fletcher once. Its focus was on the human rights of the children in the orphanage that were allegedly sexually abused by Hang Vibol. Not one person who has commented here has made mention of the children.

      I wonder what you, with your insider knowledge of the Fletcher case, and with your experience in ‘child protection’ think of how the ‘Hang Vibol case’ has been handled from the point of view of the children involved? A competent investigation conducted by APLE with the protection of the children of paramount importance? Or an amateurish investigation in which it took APLE 8 or so months to interview less than 20 kids and so left all the children in the Home at risk of sexual abuse?

      Where have I ever stated that all the bodies you mention are ‘colluding’? Each and every person or body involved in this case has, in their own way, cocked up. And each and every one that has cocked up cannot now admit to their having done so without huge loss of face and serious questions raised about their competence. Having staked their professional reputations on the proposition that David Fletcher was guilty of raping Yang Dany they cannot afford to be proven wrong.

      I do not believe in conspiracies but I do believe (and have seen ample evidence of it this past 40 years of my adult life) that when people in power cock up they have to cover their arses. And they will do whatever is within their power to cover their arses. And that is what has happened here.

      It is my own belief that the only truly malicious person in all this is/was Peter Hogan. For him, going after Fletcher, as he went after you and others, was a form of blood sport. He enjoyed it. And the readers of Khmer440 enjoyed it. Gladiatorial blood sport with words as the weapons.

      ...tio be continued...

    15. ...continuing...

      Fletcher’s biggest mistake was to call Hogan and his fellow Anonymous online gladiators, ‘plebians’. He treated them with the contempt they deserved but in so doing he was waving a red rag at a mad bull. So Hogan went after him with everything he could find and the 1998 conviction was just what he needed to destroy Fletcher – knowing full well that no-one was going to come to the rescue of a ‘rapist’.

      Neeson joined in the fray and then Drummond – along with SISHA, CEOP and APLE. None could find any evidence against Fletcher after a couple of years of investigation but help arrived in the form of Yang Dany’s mother – Sekun. When she was told by an NGO that there was $30,000 in it for her and her daughter, Sekun pressed charges. Not Yang Dany. She was already 18 and could have pressed charges but she didn’t. Have you wondered why that is?

      By the time Yang Dany had changed the dates of the alleged rapes a few times and settled on March 2009, the British Embassy in Thailand got a shock. The embassy had David Fletcher’s passport – with stamps in it that showed he was not in Cambodia at the time of the alleged rapes. At this moment the Embassy, deeply implicated in the pursuit of Fletcher (co-oerating with Neeson, CEOP, APLE and SISHA), could have produced the passport as evidence but this would have involved some loss of face. A cockup of the first order. So the passport had to disappear. And it did. By mistake! Destroyed by mistake. Or perhaps not, depending on which of the three accounts from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office you choose to believe is the true one. be continued...

    16. ...continuing...

      Destroying Fletcher’s passport was a major cockup but those at the FCO responsible thought that no-one would ever find out; that no-one would care.

      And then, when Yang Dany declared she had not been raped, APLE had to make sure she could/would never make such a statement in court and so she was disappeared to China. And, just to be sure, it was arranged that the court case that had been promised 3 weeks earlier, did not take place. The judges changed their minds.

      Apropos Yang Dany, who I got to know reasonably well, it has been suggested to me that has been trafficked to China. I have no idea if this is true but am curious to know of she had a Cambodian passport. Certainly, a few weeks before she left, she seemed to have not enough money to eat (neither she nor her mother had jobs) so how could she suddenly afford to get a passport? And how and why did it happen so fast such that it was issued just before Yang Dany was due to appear in court?

      If she had no passport, she must have entered China illegally. In which case, the proposition that she was ‘trafficked’ is possible. One would hope that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would know whether or not Yang Dany (a) had a passport and (b) left the country legakky!?

      So, you see, no conspiracy, just lots of bumbling investigators who desperately don’t want anything approximating the truth to come out and make them look….bumbling.

      As for your final note relating to my “sex offender friend” there are a few points worth making. Firstly. David Fletcher is not a friend of mine. He is a man I met by chance who had not been given the opportunity of a fair trial. I advocated for him, as I have done for many others in my adult life. I spent six years advocating on behalf of Cambodian parents whose two oldest daughters were stolen by evangelical Christians. In Australia I have spent many years (and annoyed many people) advocating of behalf of someone who suffers from a mental illness.

      It is in the nature of advocacy that you will annoy certain people – people who wish to maintain the status quo; people with an aversion to the precepts of transparency and accountability. This goes with the turf. Human rights activists do not advocate on behalf of people who are their friends but on behalf of people whose human rights have not been, are not being, respected; people whose human rights have been abused.

      David Fletcher’s human rights have been abused, as were the human rights of the two girls I advocated on behalf of (illegally removed from their family), and their parents.

      I believe, on the basis of all I know of the case from APLE’s own description of the sequence of events, that the human rights of the children allegedly sexually abused by Hang Vibol have been abused. That was the point of this blog. You may agree or disagree with my assessment. This is your prerogative. It is in the nature of dialogue, debate, that different points of view are expressed in open fora. That is what this blog is. I do not expect people to agree with me but I do hope that they will, at the very least, engage in intelligent debate. For the most part those who wish David Fletcher to rot in hell make no attempt to engage in debate. They do not answer questions, have no interest in facts but hope to win their argument with personal abuse. And they do so anonymously, revealing themselves to be cowards who are not prepared to put their names to what they believe.

    17. Anonymous 2.25, how can I ask if what you say is true when you have said nothing except that I am trying to slander Fletcher without one piece of evidence. FACT Fletcher is a convicted criminal (in 2 countries) who has been imprisoned for playing hide the sausage with a child - end of story.

      Anonymous 2.17 and 2.20 why don't you just search for the facts instead of befriending someone who is exactly where many people think he deserves to be, he was convicted in the UK of multiple child sex offences and then went to Cambodia and thought he could stay under the radar by not registering his charity, sorry but there are just too many reports of him and too many agencies that worked with the Cambodian government for this to be a conspiracy. Are you seriously suggesting that Government departments in 3 countries got together and said lets have a "pick on Fletcher" week and were then joined by multiple press reporters and NGOs. Come on, wake up to yourselves

    18. You are too stupid to respond to and a complete waste of oxygen. No one disputes his conviction in the UK. You refuse to look at facts. Can you tell me how Fletcher is guilty of raping a girl where the medical facts show 'hymen intact'? Can you tell me how he is guilty when both the Mother and aquiser say he didn't do it? Please go ask your lover Ross, if I am lying.

    19. Anonymous 3.54

      What does Fletcher's 1998 conviction have to do with whether or not he raped Yang Dany 12 years later?

      And the key point about Fletcher's 2011 conviction is that there was no trial held in accordance with the Cambodian Code of Criminal Procedure. Fletcher didn't know the case was being heard and had no opportunity to present a defence.

      When was Fletcher accused of (let alone convicted of playing 'hide the sausage' with a child?

      As for the reports you cite, have you ever read one? Where are they to be found? Why weren't they presented to the court?

    20. 3:45AM: "sorry but there are just too many reports of him and too many agencies that worked with the Cambodian government for this to be a conspiracy"

      Were any of these "too many reports" ever presented during Fletcher's 'trial'. Was Fletcher ever in the position to defend himself, like any accused has the right to defend himself in court???

      Flecther's previous conviction is in no way relevant to his case in Cambodia. Any previous conviction is no hard evidence in any future case. It's not that when a person was ever convicted of steeling a bread role, he's guilty by default every time a bread role goed missing in the country. A case needs hard evidence for a conviction.

      Having a close relationship with 15/16 year old girls is a crime. However, raping one them is. To be able to prove guilt/innocence is a rape case, two elements are quite crucial:
      1. The suspect was at the crime scene during the alleged crime
      2. The victim is no longer a virgin since the alleged crime

      Davis Fletcher was 1. not in the country at the time the crime allegedly took place 2. The 'victim' appears to be still a virgin.

      What properly constituted court in the world would find Fletcher guilty?

    21. Please excuse my spellling errors:

      Bread role = bread roll

      Having a close relationship with 15/16 year old girls is a crime = Having a close relationship with 15/16 year old girls is NOT a crime

      Happy Khmer New Year!

  12. Dear Mr Ricketson you are not only a cunt but also paranoid and delusional and probably in need of psychiatric help. RichardShears got his facts wrong but you get them right every time. All the newspapers agree that Fletcher is a kiddie fiddler but you know better than them. This is called delusional. And why would all these people conspire to keep an innocent man in jail? What reason can they have? Maybe they know stuff that you don't know and when you find out what it is you will look like the fool and lowlife cunt that you know yourself to be. Maybe by the time you find out you'll be in jail yourself for having deframed so many people with your lies. Then you can rot in hell too, cunt.

    1. James, seems you have hit a soft spot on some idiot blogger. Please keep up your good work!

    2. Anonymous 1.22 (alias Scott Neeson)


      You really shouldn't comment after youve had a few drinks

    3. Dear Anonymous 1.22 pm

      Clearly no accumulation of facts will ever be enough to convince you! If you really believe everything you rad in newspapers (or on a blog) you are naive and deluded. However, before you make up your mind about anything, try and acquaint yourself with as many facts as possible and entertain the possibility that you post passionately felt prejudices may be wrong.

      If Naly Pilorge, CEOP, Steve Morrish or any of the others involved in the pursuit and prosecution of David Fletcher have information relating to his guilt that was not presented to the court, the question is: "Why?" ANd if they have evidence that David Fletcher is guilty of rape - despite Yang Dany and her mother's insistence that no rape took place, despite the doctor's report that said no rape took place - the court, a properly constituted court, is the place for their evidence to be tested.

      All along I have advocated for David Fletcher's right to a fair trial. This has been denied him and there are a few, like yourself, who do not believe he is entitled because you have already found him guilty on the basis of the rumours and scuttlebutt you have heard and on the basis of allegations made by Scott Neeson and Peter Hogan.

      I will say it again, imagine yourself in David Fletcher's situation. Would you not want, at the very least, an opportunity to present your case in court?

  13. How much hate there is in people like so many Anonymous bloggers here that literally want to sentence a person to death because of a single glitch in his life. David Fletcher has already been punished for his crime in 1998.

    What makes people (Anonymous people) become such monsters that they deny a man the right to have a fair trial, a man that these Anonymous bloggers have almost certainly never met and never knew personally?

    This "let him rot in jail" attitude speaks for itself. The fact that these anonymous bloggers hide behind their avatar gives us hint of whom we are dealing with. They have no mercy, no forgiveness, nothing human in them.....,just hate.

    If the anonymous bloggers are indeed NGO, Human Rights, Childprotector Supermen as they like to present themselves, why not shed the Avatar and speak to us like a "real men that have nothing to hide" ? Perhaps they fear that in return we will dig up some ugly stories from their past, too ?

    1. How hypocritical Anonymous, - why not shed the Avatar and speak to us like a "real men that have nothing to hide" ? - posted by Anonymous Haha.

      I also do not see where Anonymous 10.40 has presented him/her self as NGO, Human Rights, Childprotector Superman and would assume them to be one of the many people that want proven child sexual abusers like Fletcher kept behind bars where he belongs.

  14. With some of the crude comments on here, is it any wonder that Fletcher would call some few Cambodian Ex-pats 'plebeians'. I think he had it right all along. Thanks for your comments that prove he was right.

  15. I did not have time, yesterday, to deal with a comment worthy of being dealt with.

    "Fletcher used to run his charity from a bar called “Bogie and Bacall” but the two Australian colleagues he had quickly left.

One of them, Ross Wright, said: “We decided to go our own way. He never once showed us the bank account into which donations were going.

"There were tens of ­thousands of dollars ­coming in. Cash was ­being donated by Rotary Clubs and big private ­donors."

    David Fletcher’s account of what transpired is quite different. I have no idea which account is true and which is not but, again, the question arises, what has this business dispute between former partners who had a falling out to do with whether or not David Fletcher raped Yang Dany?

    It seems, in the absence of any real evidence, that the ‘let him rot in jail’ brigade must now try to find evidence that Flewtcher was/is the kind of lowlife who MIGHT rape a young woman!

    As for the question of “where was the money going”, again I have no idea whether or not Mr Fletcher was siphoning off some of the money for himself but let’s just presume, for argument’s sake, that he was. If so, was he doing anything different to what all NGOs do?

    I do not know of any NGOs whose employees work for no wage at all. And there are plenty that pay senior members of staff huge amounts of money by Cambodian standards. Scott Neeson, for instance, earns close to $100,000 a year + a whole lot of perks that go with his job. Why is he not being held to account in the same way that David Fletcher is? Neeson declares that it costs $4,000 per year, per child, to house an educate the kids he has in institutional care. These kids, it must be remembered, are sleeping 3 and 4 to a bed and many go to free Cambodian government schools? So, what is this $4,000 a year being spent on?

    If you, or anyone else, wants to accuse Fletcher of scamming by skimming money from the donations he receives, ask the same question of all NGOs.

    This brings us back to the question of the NGO law. As I understand it such a law would oblige NGOs like Neeson to actually account for how their money is spent.

    It is small wonder than NGOs engaged in scams do not want such a law.

    It seems tome that the NGO community should (a) agree to all those aspects of the new proposed law that would hold them accountable and (b) fight against those aspects of the new law that would curtail the activities of human rights organisations and others who might be critical of government policy.

  16. Dr. Kek Pung, Naly Pilorge (Licado)

    Don't you think that it is now time to make a "real" statement
    on the way the David Fletcher Case is mis-handled ?

    What Ethics prevents you from doing that ?

    Or should that read "lack of ethics"?)

    You claim to be a Human Rights Defender but brush off anyone that raises legitimate questions.

    What kind of "Human Rights" do you defend than ? Naly Pilorge claimed that she had "other findings" on David Fletcher. She hides behind a single line, saying that she cannot comment any further in order to "protect those involved".

    Is that really all you have to say ? Who are you protecting? Your friend Thierry Darnaudet?

    You very well know that the 10 year sentence David Fletcher received, for something he did not do, is the equivalent of a "Death Sentence" for a 70 year old man.

    By not engaging in a serious dialogue about this case "YOU PROMOTE THIS DEATH SENTENCE". Shame on you !!

  17. Congratulations to Adhoc for being more sceptical than Licadho about the real reasons why some men are accused of crimes they did not commit. ANd thanks to the Cambodia Daily for being op top of such stories. I wonder how many such stories will be required before Licadho realises that Action Pour les Enfants is a liability as a partner and not an asset.

    The Mondolkiri Provincial Court on Saturday charged a man with having sex with an underage girl, but a rights worker and the girl’s father said Sunday that the allegations were fabricated in retaliation for the man’s involvement in recent protests against a Vietnamese rubber plantation.

    Provincial police chief Nhem Vanny said he arrested Yan Mao, 31, on Friday, as the suspect was driving to his home in Keo Seima district’s Sre Chhouk commune. He said the provincial court had ordered Mr. Mao to be taken into custody for allegedly having sex with an underage girl—now 14 years old—on multiple occasions over the past two years.

    “We arrested the man because he was accused of having sex with the teenager,” Mr. Vanny said.

    “We investigated and found that the couple had been having sex for over two years,” he said, adding that Mr. Mao and the girl had been living together during that time.

    Contacted Sunday, Ya Narin, director of the provincial court, said he charged Mr. Mao on Saturday with having sex with a minor under the age of 15.

    “He is now in pretrial detention at the provincial prison,” Judge Narin said.

    However, Eang Mengly, a provincial investigator for rights group Adhoc, said Mr. Mao was likely arrested because he had been spearheading protests against Binh Phuoc 1, a Vietnamese rubber company that has been feuding with an ethnic Bunong community over a plot of land in Keo Seima district.

    “I believe the land issue is the reason for the arrest, because Mr. Yan Mao is a land activist and the authorities used this sexual abuse case to accuse and arrest him through legal procedures,” he said.

    About 200 Bunong families in Sre Chhouk commune say the company has been encroaching on land they have been farming for generations.

    Local authorities, however, claim the families are squatting on a 5,100-hectare concession that was granted to the rubber company in 2012.

    Mr. Narin, the court director, denied that Mr. Mao’s arrest was related to the dispute.

    “We have evidence to prove that Yan Mao committed the sexual abuse,” he said, adding that the girl’s parents could also face prosecution because they did not report the case to authorities.

    The girl’s father said Sunday, however, that on April 1, five police officers showed up at his house armed with AK-47 assault rifles and instructed him to thumbprint three documents accusing Mr. Mao of abusing his daughter.

    “But my son grabbed two of the documents after I put a thumbprint on one of them,” he said.

    He said his daughter was in fact 16 and that she and Mr. Mao were engaged but did not live together.

    “Yan Mao is just engaged with my daughter, but they did not have sex like the police accuse,” he said.

    The father also said he suspected Mr. Mao’s arrest was related to the land dispute.

    “I think the authorities wanted to break the spirit of the villagers,” he said.

  18. Great to see that more and more people are seeing the true Ricketson - a low cunt who hates the world for his lack of success and is now spending his remaining pitiful life criticising and defaming others who are successful.

    I can't wait for someone in power to slap Ricketson down and sue the fucking idiot or better still set up a bed for him next to that dog fletcher.

    And while they are at it, why not set up some extra ends for a few other low life expats that spend their entire time blogging about how bad Cambodia is. Fucking germs the lot of you.

  19. I am sure there are some young girls around the world who are celebrating Khmer New year knowing that Fletcher is in jail and can't hurt them anymore!

  20. Apologies gentlemen for not having the time to respond properly to many of the above comments and I hope you are feeling a little better after your rant James.

    As you have many times in your epilogue suggested I am implying David Fletcher is guilty of the rape of Yang Dany could you please point out just one time that I said that? I have read my entries a couple of times but can find no accusation or remark that in any way would point to my view of Fletchers actions with Yang Dany. I certainly produced some information on him and his imprisonment in the UK and the reasons for his imprisonment. I certainly also gave my view that he could rot in jail as far as I was concerned and I am certain that as an advocate of free speech you would defend my right to say that irrespective of your own personal view

    “Given my previous profession I should know how the law works”, I have no idea who you think I am James but my only experiences with the law in the last 20 or so years have been when I have signed leases or contracts of purchase or sale of property, and I did add a codicil to my will if that counts.

    You also mention my experience in child protection, I can assure you I have never had any experience in child protection other that the normal desire to protect children from any sort of danger (including sexual predators) when in their company.

    In your 4.40 rant you ask when David Fletcher was accused (let alone convicted) of playing hide the sausage with a child. In case you have forgotten Mr Ricketson that was why he was imprisoned in the UK in the late ninety’s

    Anonymous 4.27 – I am sorry but I genuinely can recall only one Ross that I have known and that was many years ago, he was somewhat overweight and did not have great personal hygiene and I certainly would never have considered him my type, let alone consider him as a lover.

    1. Give Up Avatar ScottApril 13, 2015 at 1:38 PM

      The abusive, often intoxicated Anonymous Blogger who sounds much like the owner of a childcare center that has a stock of 700 kids to raise funds for and live a luxury lifestyle off, is back. Again!

      His abusive words , his intolerant and outright hateful use of lables like "lowlife", scum etc make it clear who it is. He wishes that someone (other than himself) would sue James Ricketson for defamation so he can continue his Childcare Business undisturbed, while wishing David Fletcher to rot in jail. He does not dare to do so himself because of the risk to be exposed and lose all the donations.

      Perhaps he hasn’t seen the writing on the wall. The Cambodian Government is fed up with these foreign ex-policemen, backpackers etc. and will soon put the NGO Law into place. Let's see who is than laughing. I can already see the armada of NGOs that a blogger on the infamous Khmer440 called "Poverty Pimps" sometime back, looking for another country to pester. Africa is pretty much sold, India has so many NGO that the Government lists 1 NGO for each 400 Indians. The air is getting thinner but perhaps at ex Nuke Testing Ground Bikini Atoll there is still some place for them.

    2. Above - can you please provide some facts when writing your comments? The only people the Government is fed up with are individuals like yourself who do not contribute to Cambodian society. Hence why they stepped up enforcement of work permits and long term visa's - something I am sure you don't have - so that they can ensure that people who are legitimately working and contributing to society will stay here.

      So please go back to your Monday to Friday teachers job earning $1000 a month and let the big boys have a discussion about the issues.

    3. Give Up Avatar, ScottApril 13, 2015 at 9:57 PM

      @ Anonymous 8.16

      Do you believe that you are superior to a Teacher who helps Khmer kids to get a better education and have a more prosperous life than their parents had ?

      Yes, I teach English to Khmer and don't even make 1.000 USD a month as you suggested.

      Just because you choose a questionable way to raise huge amounts of donor funds based on pity stories distributed by your press centre to the media and donors around the world doesn't make you any better than the Barang Teacher who devotes his time, spirit and energy to pass on his knowledge to those in need.

      Unlike yourself I charge the absolute minimum to my pupils because they can hardly meet ends at the end of the month. I learned one thing from my Khmer neighbors. Less can indeed be more and I am quite happy to live a very basic life here. I learned to smile again as they do.

      So the question is, have you ever tried to climb down from your ex-Hollywood "I am superior" throne and live among the people here? I don't think so.

      Perhaps you should go back to you "Fiction Movie" Business

    4. The true reason why you are in Cambodia teaching and earning below $1000 is because you are a bottom feeder who can't get a job back in your own country. Its not because you are some almighty hero who wants to help kids. In fact I would be surprised if you even had any teaching credentials.

      So please stop with the soap opera you fucking idiot!

    5. Well spoken Anonymous 6.16 am, have you also considered that he cannot get a teaching job in his own country because they have a child safe program and he is possibly not going to get the necessary certification.

    6. Considering that you must be Cambodian Expats: What a miserable worthless group you are exposing yourselves to be!

    7. Hateful and destructive should be added Anonymous 8:19. But don't forget that most of these stupid comments is only from one person. Most likely an NGO person trying to protect their uselessness.

    8. You think we care what fuckwits like you say. We are earning good many and living a great successful life. We get up in the morning and look in the mirror and smile because we know that germs like Fletcher and co are rotting in jail and low life peasants like you bottom feeder school teachers will scavenge around the bowels of society forever.
      Suck shit you jealous little cunts!

    9. Anonymous 9.32,A M I pity you and twisted thought process ,
      You say teachers are the bottom feeders of society ,
      I would be interested to know what level of education you reached?
      Only someone who has had very little education and probably failed to achieve a satisfactory level would make such an assertion.
      On this blog you continually try to convince us ( and I believe yourself) that you are happy and are successful, WHY? .
      It is sad and obvious that you are a troubled man .
      The gutter language you use is one example of this .
      You just do not understand what happiness is ,
      I hope that you will open your eyes and your mind find the key to true success the kind that can not be obtained by the road you are on now.
      I wish you well

    10. Anonymous 9.32,A M I pity you and twisted thought process ,
      You say teachers are the bottom feeders of society ,
      I would be interested to know what level of education you reached?
      Only someone who has had very little education and probably failed to achieve a satisfactory level would make such an assertion.
      On this blog you continually try to convince us ( and I believe yourself) that you are happy and are successful, WHY? .
      It is sad and obvious that you are a troubled man .
      The gutter language you use is one example of this .
      You just do not understand what happiness is ,
      I hope that you will open your eyes and your mind find the key to true success the kind that can not be obtained by the road you are on now.
      I wish you well

    11. Hey stupid - I'm very concerned that you are teaching children. Considering that you have double posted the same comment suggests that you are a moron. But in fairness I would say that its because the truth hurts and in your fit of anger you double clicked the send button.

      Education? I suggest that my education far exceeds your failure to complete high school. I don't teach English for under $1000 a month if you would like to know.

      Happiness? We are having a laugh and enjoying life every day thanks. Especially when I read comments from blow flies like you.

      Hahahaha fucking idiot!

    12. Anonymous ,8.11PM
      Waste of time, using reason with you .

      I am not a teacher of children and I do not live in Cambodia .
      There you go again,, trying to convince us you are so happy and have a wonderful life why ?

    13. Anonymous ,8.11PM
      Waste of time, using reason with you .

      I am not a teacher of children and I do not live in Cambodia .
      There you go again,, trying to convince us you are so happy and have a wonderful life why ?

    14. Anonymous ,8.11PM
      Waste of time, using reason with you .

      I am not a teacher of children and I do not live in Cambodia .
      There you go again,, trying to convince us you are so happy and have a wonderful life why ?

  21. Does this sound familiar! Do you think that there might be a pattern here? If nothing else, the Aple business model has, it seems, given some wonderful ideas to Cambodian police men:

    A man who was jailed on child sex charges in Mondolkiri province on Saturday told a group of his neighbors on Monday that police said they would help get his sentence reduced if he promised to stop protesting against a Vietnamese rubber plantation, the villagers said Tuesday.

    Police arrested Yan Mao, 31, in Keo Seima district on Friday after the Mondolkiri Provincial Court ordered that he be taken into custody for allegedly having sex with an underage girl—now 14—on multiple occasions over the past two years.

    However, a rights group and the girl’s father said on Sunday that Mr. Mao’s arrest was likely made in retaliation for protests he helped organize against Binh Phuoc 1, a Vietnamese rubber company that has been feuding with some 200 ethnic Bunong families over a plot of land in the district.

    The girl’s father said his daughter was actually 16 years old, and engaged to Mr. Mao, but that the two had never had sex.

    Mr. Mao’s brother-in-law, Prum Sokha, 33, said Tuesday that he and nine other residents of Sre Chhouk commune’s Chak Cha village visited Mr. Mao in prison on Monday so he could thumbprint a document asserting his innocence.

    “We visited Yan Mao yesterday and he told us that authorities said they would help to reduce his sentence if he stopped protesting against the Binh Phuoc 1 company,” he said.

    Mr. Sokha said he also planned to collect thumbprints from villagers who believe Mr. Mao is innocent.

    “We will send the document with the thumbprints to the court to ask them to drop the charges against Yan Mao,” he said.

    Contacted Tuesday, provincial police chief Nhem Vanny denied that his officers attempted to negotiate with Mr. Mao.

    “I want to state that we arrested Yan Mao because he had sex with an underage girl,” he said. “The case is not related to the land dispute like the villagers claim.”

  22. In late 2012 Russia introduced the so called “Foreign Agents Law” that ordered all NGOs receiving funding from abroad, and which are even partially engaged in political activities, to register as foreign agents or risk substantial fines.

    Activists and human rights officials criticized the act for allegedly labeling the groups and warned of a possible sharp cut in foreign funding. Russian officials, including President Putin, replied that the law contained no sanctions against foreign-funded organizations and only sought to inform the Russian public better, and especially voters, of the possible motives of various participants in the political process.

    In late 2014 the State Duma passed a bill that makes it illegal for Russian political parties to receive sponsorship, or enter any business deals with NGOs with “foreign agent” status.

    USaid was told to leave Russia and close it's offices.

    Western Governments, the US in particular often use NGO with Christian background (like World Vision, that operated Refugee Camps in Vietnam and reported anyone suspected to be a Vietcong or Sympathizer, an estimated 10.000 Vietnamese were killed during Operation Phoenix because of this) as a cover for their covert operations.

    USaid and Peacecorps had been accused of similar charges, used by the US Gov. to achieve a more Regime Change. In Cambodia, for instance, the CNRP receives massive support from the US and some members like Mu Sochua even hold a US Passport.
