Sunday, September 20, 2015

# 145 Part Two of "Pepper Spray & A Sting Operation in Bangkok

Part Two (Part One can be found below)

Tuesday 29th of June 2010.

The day after my arrest in Bangkok, Ray Keen from the British embassy came to see me. I said to him, “What the hell is going on?” and “Why am I here?” He said he had no idea; that it was nothing to do with the embassy. I said,  “What are the charges against me?” He told me there were no charges and the prison officials were saying nothing. I found it difficult to believe this statement. I was not allowed to contact anyone. I had no idea what was going on.

NOTE: Ray Keen’s declaration that the British Embassy knew nothing about the reason for Mr Fletcher’s arrest needs to be considered in the context of the SISHA Press Release of the day beforehand:

“The British Police Child Exploitation and Online Protection team (CEOP), in cooperation with the Royal Thai Police and NGO - South East Asia Investigations into Social and Humanitarian Activities (SISHA), acting on information provided by concerned citizens living in Cambodia, located Fletcher at a guest house in Bangkok.”

Ray Keen promised to make contact with a lawyer for me, but no lawyer came to visit me during the next two weeks. There was no-one to translate for me either. So I gave Ray Keen my email details and password so that he could contact my friends. I had nothing to hide in my emails. It did not bother me that Keen might read them. I still have the emails he sent on my behalf. He gave me 400 baht from Prisoners Abroad for food and said he would be back following Monday.

The next Monday I asked the same questions. Again, Keen said he knew nothing and that the prison was saying nothing. Amongst other things, I told him, I was being held illegally, tortured and was experiencing many other human rights abuses.

The torture  took the form of being forced to stay 24 hours a day 7 days a week on 2 square meters of concrete without edible food, no exercise, no blankets etc. There were no checks or supervision of any form on the part of prison authorities. My body became frozen in place. I lost the use of my left foot and ankle; my right foot was also going that way. I was refused medical treatment. I could barely get to the toilet 3 meters away. By the time I left the IDC I had difficulty in walking and standing upright. The F.C.O  ignored all this and did nothing. Ray Keen just laughed and said that's the way things are in Thailand.  

I asked Keen about my passport which the prison had taken from me. He said he had it for safe keeping; that it was better the embassy have it than the Thais. I agreed. He handed me the passport and I checked it was mine. He said, “When you're ready to leave I will give it to you.”

Two weeks later Ray Keen came to visit me again and told me I was free to go, but that I had to fly back to the UK. I asked what I had been charged with. He told me that there were no charges in Thailand, Cambodia or the UK. But, he also told me, I would have to stay in IDC until I was escorted to the airport. I said, fine, I will get a ticket. He told me that the embassy would have to make the arrangements and buy  the ticket. It would cost me $1,200. I protested. “To buy a $400 ticket?” I askedKeen said the embassy had an arrangement with Thai airways and I would have to pay this price.  .  I told him that I not have that kind of money.

I had to contact my friends and ask them to loan me the money. I did so and the embassy was given the $1,200. It took the another week to arrange my departure for the UK on 4th August 2010.

Up until the 3rd August, 5 weeks after my arrest, no charges had been laid against me in Thailand or Cambodia. There were no warrants and no reason had been given for why I had been arrested in the first place.

At 9am on 4th August I was ready to leave for the airport and to be escorted there by the embassy. I had been given the ticket details on Monday 1st August. By 10 am the embassy had not come to collect me as promised. At 10.30 I was told I was not leaving as a warrant had been issued for me to attend court on Friday 6th August. I had no idea what for.

On 6th August the guards came to me and said there were 50 journalists waiting to talk to me. Did I want to talk to them? I replied, “Yes, please! I have a press release for them.” They said OK but told me I had to sign a form giving the prison permission to allow me to talk to the press. I guessed it was a waiver form. The guard came back with the form. He asked me if he could read my press release. I replied, “Please do, you will then learn the truth.” He read it. I was not allowed to talk to the press and I did not get my press release back.

I was hustled out the back way so the press could not see me. I was taken from the IDC to the court. There I was presented with a warrant for extradition to Cambodia. The documents were all written in Thai and Khmer. I had no lawyer and no translator. I still did not know what this was all about. I got a rough idea it was something to do with a sex offence so I figured Neeson had been up to his tricks. I denied the warrant.

The 15th and 22nd March 2009 were clear on the forms. That was all. In my mind I could not work out who the bogus victim could be.

Over the next 3 years I fought  the extradition order, knowing I had done nothing wrong and that my passport proved I was not in Cambodia on 15th and 22nd March 2009. I told the embassy this.

I did not find out who I was supposed to have raped until embassy staff brought me newspaper clippings of the secret trial in May 2011. The embassy claimed not to have known about the trial but this turned out to be untrue, as I discovered a few years later when I acquired FOI documents.

In May 2011, after hearing about my 10 year jail sentence I felt confident that the truth would eventually prevail; that my innocence would be proved by the evidence, in my passport, held by the British Embassy, that I was not in Cambodia in March 2009.

What a fool I was!

Tomorrow, we will hear, from the UK Ombudsman, his explanation for the mysterious disappearance and destruction of Mr Fletcher’s passport. It makes for interesting reading!


  1. the truth will come out and when it does, a lot of people will have a lot of explaining to do............some may face criminal charges; Employees of the British embassy will need to say why they did what they did; Ray Keen may have a lot of explaining to do.
    Scott Neeson will have a lot of mud on his face; maybe several people directily under his command will be speaking to the police. David is innocent, they have not proven that he is guilty........they have not produced evidence that proves anything where as James had uncovered hard evidence that David could not have committed the crime that he has been in prison for................oh my, what a mess this is.............

    1. Yes, a mess, and one that can only be cleaned up if those who are responsible for it are held accountable. The list of those responsible is a long one and they all, both individually and collectively, have a vested interest in keeping the mess from public view. It is much too late for that. We are now in the area of 'damage control'. "How3 can we get out of this with as much of our dignity intact as possible."

      The Fat Lady definitely has not sung yet, regardless of whatever 'instructions' APLE has given to the Appeal Court.

      If APLE wishes to sue me for this statement, please go ahead. I look forward to doing battle with you in court. Even in a Cambodian court.

  2. Unbelievable!

    The good news is that the truth is emerging.

    The bad news is that there are so many people who do not want the truth to emerge.

    The best way to prevent the truth from emerging is to deny Mr Fletcher a trial. Not a re-trial,a trial. The first get-together to shaft him was not a trial in any shape or form.

    1. No, there are lots of people now, lots of organisations, that do not want "the truth to emerge."

      It is too late now. They had best turn their attention to 'damage control'.

  3. The truth has been documented and will be made public regardless of whether David is granted a trial. If he is not granted a trial, those who prevent it will just be compounding their illegal and fraudulent deeds, and they will have even more to futilely explain. Surely they have the intelligence to know this. They need to "cut their losses" and forget about further acts of vengeance and illegal activities regarding David and his right to a "real" trial under Cambodian law.

  4. If it wasn't for James Ricketson, Aple's Business Model would have continued for much longer unquestioned.

    You have to give credit to the French backpacker Thierry Darnaudet for coming up with a Business Model that is not only simple but also convincing to many people including Western governments and the Cambodian authorities.

    Child abuse is one of the most traumatizing experiences a person can ever have in live. The damage lasts for a lifetime. We all know that and can relate to it when we hear or read that yet another pervert pedophile has been arrested.

    In the past 10 years I've observed APLE's business model at close quarters. It is one strongly supported (financially also) by many other NGOs here, including Licadho, with funds that the original donors submitted for totally different programs. I have come to this conclusion:

    Darnaudet, APLE's founder is a stalker - his video clips catching alleged Pedophiles are a proof of that and can be viewed on Youtube. While stalking is a crime in almost any country around the world Darnaudet has used his obsession to follow and monitor people that he characterizes as a danger to children. Often enough the leads he follows, like David Fletcher’s, came from hearsay and gossip among the Barang Communities and tourists.

    Once you have made it onto Darnaudet’s watch list, lots and lots of photos will be taken of you, and you will be tracked wherever you go. On top of that, your criminal track record in your home country is secured by this private enterprise, which Western governments are only too willing to give to APLE. If there is the slightest info regarding a child, even your own, you are already pretty much doomed. Now you are considered by APLE a real pedophile and a danger to Cambodia's children.

    Once you have acquired this label there is almost nothing that will prevent a disaster happening in your life. The word quickly spreads through the aid community and before you know it you are left with not a single friend or person that wants to talk to you anymore.

    If you are a parent of a mixed race child (as LTO on khmer440 reported), you can be attacked by tourists who openly label you as a perverted pedophile while walking along Phnom Penh's Riverside with your own kids. You are merely considered as COLLATERAL among the 5000 NGO in Cambodia.

    Once APLE has made a deal with the parents by offering them vast amount of money (A JACKPOT FOR THEM) if they cooperate in the incarceration of this Barang, and the media gets word of it, you are pretty much history.

    Nobody that you ever knew as a friend will help you once you are in jail, convicted for child abuse. Nobody, often enough not even your own family, will pity you since you are now considered a pervert which many openly want to be hanged. (khmer440 style).

    So, with no one opposing your incarceration and claims of child abuse, APLE and the courts have a free ride on your back. They can cash in on yet another success story sold to the world.

    The fact that James Ricketson by accident stumbled over David Fletchers fate and took up the thread is simply good luck for Fletcher. Who else would have followed this story, being attacked and still remain persistent like a dog with a bone - keeping in mind that the entire media world remained mute on the subject until a few days ago when the Cambodia Daily picked up the story ?

    Other cases very similar to David Fletcher's are not on the main page, just yet. Matt Harland is one that is in the waiting and once the ball starts rolling Thierry Darnaudet's business model will hopefully be shut down and condemned.

  5. Liam Miller has tried to post this comment twice on my blog. Twice it has disappeared. I will now post it under my name and see if the same happens:

    Dear Matt Blomberg

    Congratulations for going into print regarding the comments by the APLE representative outside the court on the day of David Fletchers appeal.

    David is one of many innocent men such as Matt Harland and others that are or have been in prison because of APLE and their corrupt and illegal methods.

    I also have been a victim of APLE and although I was eventually found not guilty of a case of sexual harassment, never rape (never went to trial ) APLE on their website falsely printed I had been charged with rape and sexual assault , the Phnom Penh Post printed word for word what was supplied to them by APLE .

    The Cambodian Daily on the same day quoted the same police officer as the P P P saying it had not yet been decided what the charges would be !

    You can find the details of my case and proof that APLE are a criminal organization and clearly have an "arrangement" with the P P P on

    If you start with April 2015 #108, then go to December #76 go down to comments 1.58 pm James Ricketson then down to James Ricketson 3.46 am ( here you will see part of the transcript of the court judgement re " my case )
    Regarding the P P P #88 and# 89 Chad Williams

    My purpose in contacting you is to supply evidence of APLE"S criminal methods and proof that to them guilty or innocent does not matter what matters is to get publicity on their website to attract donor funds.

    I sincerely hope you will pursue the David Fletcher case .. the truth will expose APLE for what they are a criminal organization set up to feed donor funds into the coffers of the of those in charge..

    Should you need any more information from me or if I can help in any way please contact me .

    Liam Miller , (William Mathieson Miller )

  6. the problem with a lie is that one day the truth will come out and when it does then it requires yet more lies to keep things going..........eventually lies catch up and the truth is all that's left to tell; eventually aple, scott neeson, the british embassy employees, fco, and only God knows who else will be forced to tell the truth.
    its going to be very expensive to them when the truth is told; they will probably no longer be in business; maybe a lot of them will be in prison........disgraced; the only way any of them can now save face is to come forward with all they know...........all they have been involved in...........but they need to be first to come forward. the second person's witness will be diluted and not as meaningful and surely will not help them as much as the first to be truthful.
    If you are reading any of this and you know the inside story............come forward yourself; you can be a hero. better to be a hero than to occupy a cell in a prison in Cambodia; how do you think the other prisoners will treat you when they learn of your involvement; time to save yourself;

    1. You are seriously delusional, bordering retarded.

    2. Dear Team Neeson (aka 6.46pm)

      So nice to have you back, adding your thoughtful insights into the subject in hand

  7. Ricletson - you are a fucking moron - what is fact is that bloggers like you and your kiddie fiddler friends hate it when people dont respond to your defaming comments. Im happy that McCabe, Neeson, Morrish and others have not responded to you. And I can't wait until the 25th of september - i've heard that the courts are going o throw the appeal out.

    1. Mr. Know everything aka Anonymous 6:43, You claim to have a direct line to the judge of the Appeal Court, what total bull shit!

      You putting mccabe, neeson and morrish all in the same catagory is a good move though.

    2. Dear Team Neeson (aka Anonymous 6.43)

      I think the expression 'fucking moron' might best be applied to someone like yourself, making as you do, a tacit admission of corrupt judicial processes with your "the courts are going o throw the appeal out."

      Is this something that Team Neeson is organising at present?

    3. anon 7.20pm - didn't you know - me, neeson, mccabe, morrish , apple, the judges , CEOPS, the UK government, Licardho had a BBQ at my place on the weekend - we do this often so we can discuss how we can all join forces to conspire to put one worthless child abuser like Fletcher in Gaol.

    4. Anyone who knows Alan Lemon knows he loves to use the word 'moron'. It is a favourite word of his. I reckon that every comment written here with the word 'moron' in it was written by Alan Lemon.

      If this is true the comment he has just made here looks like he and the rest of Team Neeson have sealed Mr Fletcher's fate already.

      "Ricletson - you are a fucking moron - what is fact is that bloggers like you and your kiddie fiddler friends hate it when people dont respond to your defaming comments. Im happy that McCabe, Neeson, Morrish and others have not responded to you. And I can't wait until the 25th of september - i've heard that the courts are going o throw the appeal out."

  8. Why is it corrupt if the courts throw the appeal out Ricketson? So there you have it - you will only accept the result by the courts if it is in Fletchers favour - if it isn't, then you will continue to defame everyone and say that it is a conspiracy. Please someone sue this cunt of a person!

    1. Anonymous 8.06

      You are clearly a bit slow on the uptake. Let me try again and express this is the simplest possible terms?

      Mr Fletcher has never once been interviewed by police. He has never once been interviewed by a Prosecuting judge. He has never once been allowed to address a court. He has never once been allowed to present evidence in his defence. He is entitled, in accordance with the cambodian Code of Criminal Procedure to a fair trial. This has been denied him. Now, APLE is arguing in the Appeal Court that Mr Fletcher has no right to a trial because certain paperwork did not arrive at the court on time. It is generally agreed that this was not Mr Fletcher's fault. If APLE believes that it has a strong case, why not take it to trial? If the judges believe in the rule of law, why not allow Mr Fletcher to have a trial?

      It really is as simple as that,though you seem to be someone who desperately does not want Mr Fletcher to have a fair trial. I wonder how you would feel if this right were denied to you?

    2. My answer is simple - I wouldn't be in this position in the first place. I haven't been convicted in my home country of having sex with an underage girl. I havent engaged in activity that involved questionable motives around children and I certainly wouldn't of waited 5 years whilst I was in gaol to start complaining about how unfair the system is. Why didn't Fletcher bring all this up when he was first sent to gaol - why didn't he bring all this up when he was arrested in Thailand.

  9. It is always amusing to immediately know whether a poster is one of those who are guilty of defaming David or one of those intelligent enough to know that the facts prove his innocence. The defamers make no sensible statements---just stupid, vulgar ramblings..

  10. Its amusing that you so called supporters of Fletcher will not put your names to your comments - just shows how spineless you are and of course classic example of sitting int he fence, waiting to see what will happen on the 25th. If the appeal is upheld you will all jump on the bandwagon and claim glory, if it isn't upheld, you will crawl back under the rocks that you all live. Fucking pathetic cowards you are!

    1. The pot calling the kettle black!

      How can you, with a straight face, Anonymous 8.54, complain about Anonymous commentators when you are one yourself?

  11. Because its not us who are making the accusations of conspiracy and saying that fletcher is innocent. why should we have to put our names to our comments. Without your dreamt up bullshit, this blog wouldn't exist. Get a brain you fuckwit.

    1. Mate, you are a fucking idiot!

    2. Clever coming from an expat who creeps around the bars of Cambodia.

  12. I just read the above - what a load of bullshit - its absolutely laughable that Flecthesr version of events can be true - seriously - are you saying that all of the people conspired together to frame Fletcher? How is it that a government employee like Ray Keen would jeopardise his career and family just to bullshit to Fletcher and hide his passport. Give me a break! Have you asked Ray Keen of his version of events Ricketson - i am sure they will greatly differ from the bullshit that Fletcher has got you believing.

    1. Anonymous 9.48

      Are you familiar with the role of courts? Courts are there to decide which story is true and which is not. Both the Prosecution and the Defence get a chance to present their versions of events and to back up these versions with facts. This is all that Mr Fletcher is asking for; all he has ever asked for.

      Yes, I have asked Ray Keen and many others at the FCO (including Foreign Secretary Phillip Hammond) many times to provide a logical and coherent account of what happened to Mr Fletcher's passport. They have responded with three different and contradictory versions. When I asked the FCO to account for these three versions Ray Keen and others refused to answer. So, I wrote to the Ombudsman and asked him to investigate. He did. It took close to a year to get a response from him. It took me just a few days to read the Ombudsman's response and to respond to it. I will be posting my response in the next 12 hours so you will have an opportunity to read it.

  13. Has anyone asked the question why Fletchers children and family do not want anything o do with him? Is it because Fletcher has been a dirty old man for any years of his life and his children have seen it with their own eyes?

    1. Anonymous 9.50

      What does David Fletcher's relationship with his children have to do with whether or not he raped Yang Dany?

      There is another qurstion you might like to ask yourself before you make yet another comment:

      "How would my children react if I were to be sentenced to 10 years in jail for rape?"

      Do you think, perhaps, that this might cause a breakdown in your relationship with your children?

      If you were innocent would you not, amongst other things, want to prove your innocence in order to re-establish a relationship with your children?

      It is not for you (or for me) to make judgements about Mr Fletcher's guilt or innocence based on his relationship with his children. It is up to a properly constituted court to decide guilt or innocence on the basis of facts; not on what people like yourself write in comments on a blog.

    2. Well said. Mr. Ricketson.

  14. NGO's had nothing to do with his conviction in the UK - and what I know his children disowned him after that incident. So stop playing the bleeding heart fiddle Ricketson - you have become clouded by your emotion on this and you are now making things up.

  15. What have either Mr Fletcher's relationship with his children or his 1998 conviction got to do with the question of whether or not he raped Yang Dany?

    1. It has nothing to do with whether or not he raped Yang Dany, I was just making a stupid, ignorant, inane comment to prove to you and everyone in Cambodia what a stupid idiot I am.

    2. There's a very good chance you are a pedophile yourself anon 12.54am. You seem to get very emotional about Fletcher.

    3. There is an interesting psychological phenomenon in which those who most passionately hate some particular group of deviants are more likely to be repressed deviants themselves. For example, homophobic men are more likely than average to be repressed homosexuals*. Their homophobia is an expression of their self-loathing - a fear and hatred for the deviance they see in themselves. It is not the person that defends the rights of the accused that is the closet pedo, but the person who rails irrationally against it, and sees pedos in anybody who does not share his overwrought fear and loathing. It is an expression of self loathing. (*Not that I believe that homosexuals are 'deviant' in some negative way, but that they have traditionally been viewed that way in society and that feeling is still present in society and many members of society. Pedophilia OTOH is a very serious crime, moral offense and psychological aberration that society needs to stamp out.)

  16. Rickets you dick wad - you are the one who said his children didn't want to know Fletcher only because of what the NGO's have said about him - well its not true - they realised he was sick dog long before he came to Cambodia and in true fashion you have avoided the question and twisted a reply to suit what sick nonsense you have in your head. Its very evident that Fletcher has had a common course of conduct for many years and this conduct has involved looking at young girls in a sexual way. He is a predator and he is where predators belong!

    1. Mate, you are a first class fuckwit. I dont know why Ricketson doesnt just delete the stupid things you say

    2. Because if he did that, he would only have himself, you and a few other kiddie fiddlers making comments you fucking cock sucker!

    3. This blog needs a little comic relief from time to time and Anonymous 12.55 and a few others of his ilk provide it.

  17. Excellent and very exciting site. Love to watch. Keep Rocking.
    pepper spray
