Thursday, January 22, 2015

# 87 LICADHO'S report on the Cambodian judiciary and prisons system. Some questions!

Dr Kek Pung

22nd Jan 2015

Dear Dr Pung

Yesterday the Cambodia Daily reported on yet another report released by LICADHO.

“Inmates at prisons across Cambodia continue to face systematic abuse, squalid conditions and corruption, according to a report released by rights group Licadho on Tuesday.
The report, “Rights at a Price: Life Inside Cambodia’s Prisons,” is based on interviews with prisoners, former inmates, their relatives and staff at 18 penal facilities over the past year. It calls the country’s court and prison systems “corrupt political structures driven by nepotism” that together result in the brutal treatment of inmates.

Of what value is such a report? Who does LICADHO expect to read the report? Relevant members of the Cambodian government?

Why write a report about nameless generic prisoners that merely affirms what everyone knows about the Cambodian judiciary and prison system? Do such reports have any impact in the real world in which Cambodians live or do they merely collect dust along with hundreds (thousands?) of other LICADHO reports; unread by anyone with either the power or the desire to challenge the status quo?

After 20 years of travelling to Cambodia, having seen tens of thousands of materially poor Cambodians robbed on their homes and their land, having seen the country’s natural resources raped by a rapacious kelptocracy, having seen the proliferation of $100,000 four wheel drives driven by men on salaries of less than $1000 a month, (the list goes on!) I have to ask myself:

“Has LICADHO achieved anything at all that has actually helped the Cambodian people with all its reports this past 20 years?”

If LICADHO is serious about wanting to improve the Cambodian judiciary and prison system, why not put a human face to the prisoners you write about? Why not  take particular cases and highlight the abuse of legal process inherent in how certain men came to find themselves in jail for long periods of time having had no opportunity to present a defense in court?

By chance, not design, I stumbled upon the case of David Fletcher. I could just as easily have stumbled upon the case of Matt Harland who, like David Fletcher, has been denied a trial conducted in accordance with the Cambodian Code of Criminal Procedure. What is most interesting about the David Fletcher case is that Yang Dany’s intact hymen after two “brutal rapes”, her admission that no rapes took place, her admission that she and her mother were offered $30,000 to pay charges, is very strongly suggestive of Mr Fletcher’s innocence. In any country in the world in which the rule of law applied, judges would have thrown this case out years ago. In Cambodia, however, evidence of innocence and the lack of evidence of guilt mean nothing when rich and powerful men, women and organizations can buy the court result that suits their purposes.

In November last year I asked you, Dr Pung, I asked LICADHO, to please send someone from LICADHO to observe what was supposed to be David Fletcher’s ‘re-trial’. You refused to do so. You did not bother to even acknowledge receipt of my letters.

If a representatives of LICADHO had attended s/he would have heard the APLE lawyer in court specifically request of the judges that they not allow Mr Fletcher’s trial to proceed. And what was the reason given by APLE for requesting that no trial be held? As Samleang Seila made quite clear, when asked by the Cambodia Daily for “a more detailed explanation of the disputed testimony that led to Mr. Fletcher’s conviction, Mr. Seila said the time had passed for such questions.

“It is too late for that. This hearing is a matter of law, not a matter of facts. He missed the deadline.”

What kind of NGO, in theory committed to the protection of human rights, advocates that the human and legal rights of a defendant be abrogated because paper-work did not arrive at the court in time? Especially when the reason why the paperwork did not arrive in time had nothing to do with the defendant!? Why does LICADHO consort with a man such as Samleang Seila who clearly has very limited notions of what the expression ‘human rights’ refers to?

If a representative  of LICADHO had been in court S/he would have seen the judges hand back to Mr Fletcher the evidence he wished to present. They would have heard the judges refuse to allow Mr Fletcher to speak in his own defense. And they would have noted that after the judges adjourned the court for 15 minutes they returned to read a long statement that had so obviously been written before the day’s court proceedings began. The LICADHO observer would have noted that the judges made no reference at all, in their long-winded statement, to the promise of three weeks earlier that Mr Fletcher was to be granted a retrial. And s/he would have noted also that no record of the court proceedings was made.

The court proceedings of that morning, lacking in even the pretense of due process, came on top of APLE having arranged for the key witness (Yang Dany) to leave Cambodia so that she would not be available for cross-examination or to speak with the media. Both Yang Dany and her mother, Kheang Sekun, had resolved to tell the truth in court, despite the risk of their being charged with perjury. Their appearance in a proper court of law would have caused Seila huge embarrassment. Hence to need to send Yang Dany to China. And now, lest Kheang Sekun tell the truth, APLE has moved her into a new house and instructed her not to sp4ak with any member of the media. Such is Samleang Seila’s commitment to the rule of law and the protection of human rights.

In the absence of any answers from LICADHO it is very difficult to not speculate as to why LICADHO did not want to have a representative in court to report on the clear evidence of APLE’s attempt (successful) to subvert the course of justice. APLE is a partner of LICADHO and you cannot be seen to be critical of your partner. APLE is also an NGO that your daughter Naly Pilorge helped to set up; an NGO that she now attempts to disassociate herself from (in public at least) because of the obvious conflict of interest inherent in her relationship, as Director of LICADHO, with an NGO that has revealed, through its actions, to have scant regard for the human and legal rights of either men accused of sex crimes or of the children who are coerced into giving evidence against them. Another quote from yesterday’s Cambodia Daily:

“Kuy Bunsorn, the prison department’s director-general, said Tuesday that the report’s findings were “exaggerated” in order to elicit funding from donors.
‘This organization’s (LICADHO’S) report is the same every year in terms of the accusations of torture, corruption and bad conditions in prisons. It does this to satisfy the donors to get money,’ he said.”

Whilst what Kuy Bunsorn says here needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt it does seem that LICADHO’S incessant report-writing has more to do with securing funding than with actually doing anything to help, in a concrete way, those who suffer rom human and legal rights abuses – be they Khmer or non-Khmer.

Apropos previous letters to you (all of which you ignore) I reiterate my offer to:

(1) Introduce LICADHO to a person whose account of APLE’S modus operandi needs to be made public, if s/he can be provided with protection from those who would wish him/her harm.

(2) Provide copies of all the court documents relating to David Fletcher – in not one of which is there evidence of his guilt of rape that would stand up in a trial that took place in accordance with the Cambodian Code of Criminal Procedure. These documents could be couriered to you from Australia if you and LICADHO’S lawyers are interested in looking at them.

Finally, on a positive note, it seems to me that the most significant contribution LICADHO could make to resolving the problems that have been outlined on my blog (and elsewhere) is to play a proactive role in formulating procedures and protocols in relation to the videotaping of the testimony of children involved in cases of alleged sexual abuse. I have written about this on my blog entry #85:

I can recommend the content of blog entry #86 as a starting point for a discussion that LICADHO could well set in motion if there is a will, a desire, on your part, on LICADHO’S part, to safeguard the human and legal rights both of children and those accused of sex crimes against them:

best wishes

James Ricketson


  1. Naly Pilorge and her mother are now finding themself in the corner of their own prison. Not answering a single question that has forwarded to them show what kind of human rights organisation (or the lack of) they run. When you marry with Thierry Darnaudet's APLE it's like becoming a member of the Mafia, Hells Angels or IS. It reminds me of Hotel California : you are welcome to check in ...... but you can never leave !

    1. He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon!

    2. WTF does this mean?????????

    3. If you eat with the devil, you need a (very) long spoon so that you can keep your distance. If you mix with bad people, you should be careful not to be influenced by them. A warning not to get too close when dealing with evil people.

  2. What a shame Licadho has decided to get into bed with a criminal organization like Action Pour les Enfants!

  3. Mr. Ricketson, you should write to the NGO forum in Cambodia and ask why they still oppose any form of a NGO law that would enable the rest of the world to get more transparency about their funding and overall spending.

    You can find out more at:

    1. Here is what is to be found the website address posted by Anonymous 1.04:

      "Cambodia's new NGO Law

      Child Sex Tourists Bus Cambodia NGO Ad's on regular Bus
      Cambodia's Government is currently preparing to turning the 4.NGO Law Draft into Law. This is vehemently opposed by some of the 3000 NGO's that have successfully blocked any such law since 2008 !!

      A recent comment brought it to the point:

      Victory for the NGOs?

      by Gary Gilmour's Eyes » Sun Oct 30, 2011

      Thursday's papers revealed that the RCG (Royal Cambodian Government) have dropped compulsory registration from the new NGO law. As expected the NGO loving scribes at the PPP (Phnompenh Post) described it as a U-turn and a victory for the NGOs campaign for justice. The CD (Cambodian Daily) report was more objective and accurate.

      The NGO campaign was sleazy and dishonest and based on raising a straw man- that poor little local groups that had organised themselves spontaneously would be disempowered because they lacked the funds to register. They failed to mention that these groups are manipulated and controlled by foreigners and are about as spontaneous as the group of ethnic forest people who decided to protest land grabbing by dressing as characters from Avatar. No foreign manipulation there, of course.

      The real reason for the campaign was to prevent the RCG from examining their books and finding out how much of the donor funding was spent on administrative expenses-salaries, allowances and other ways of putting the money into their pockets. (see the financial statement on website) as an example for nontransparent financial statements. Not a single USD is listed here ! global-humanitaria-financial-info-2010.jpg

      Essentially, it is a victory for the RCG; not them. They have lost their puerile excuse for opposing transparency; they still have to submit annual reports for auditing and any unregistered groups will not be officially recognised by the govt., a prerequisite for most donor funding. Nice work by HE (the Prime Minister) et al.

      Overheard an interesting converstion between 2 Kiwi NGO bosses at Score Bar a while ago. One was saying that the RCG was now ratshit, because the NGOs were taking their complaints to the UN Security Council. The other guy correctly informed the moron that any moves along those lines would be vetoed by China and Russia. He could have added that such matters are outside the parameters of the Security Council and are the responsibility of the Commission for Human Rights.

      The f***wit's reply was:

      "Who cares about China and Russia? They're not important. If the US and Britain back us, this pathetic little country will have no choice and will do what they're told."

      The ghosts of Cecil Rhodes and Rudyard Kipling would be overjoyed to khow that the age of imperialism isn't dead while the NGOs remain prepared to take up the White Man's burden of dominating and civilizing their "little brown brothers" in Asia.

    2. A great article to read that will explain why the Phnom Penh Post never writes articles critical of NGOs

  4. Can anyone point out to me what Licadho has achieved this past 10 years. I do not include the writing of reports as an achievement. Has Licadho prevented even one community, one land owner from having their homes and land stolen? Has Licadho, through its representation in court of any Cambodian wrongfully accused of a crime, got them off? Seen them walk free?

    1. The human rights business is the same as the child protection business. What is required is the illusion that great steps forward are being made. For the likes of Action Pour les Enfants the great steps forward are the number of convictions it achieves. For Licadho the great steps forward are the number of reports it gets to write.

  5. Everything is backwards in Cambodia. The criminals are on the outside putting innocent people in prison. Children with parents are put into "orphanages". If these situations were not so tragic for the innocents, they would be downright comical. The "so called" human rights organizations are either assisting or taking no action in cases like David Fletcher's where an imbecile would know that he is innocent if they bothered to check the facts.

  6. How can you find value in Cambodia? Human rights groups aren't human and don't protect rights. Justice system has no justice. NGO's take children for profit and set up innocent men. Their child protection units might be run by convicted felons. There is no 'free press'. British Embassy, FCO and CEOPS are corrupt and instead of serving the people that pay them, they cover up the corruption that they have created. Too few men that will stand up for what is right!
