Sunday, January 25, 2015

# 89 Chad Williams hoist on his own petard by false allegations made against him

Dear Chad

It was never my intention, when I asked you to imagine yourself in Liam Miller’s shoes, that someone on this blog would, anonymously, place you directly in the same shoes.

The blog entry containing these allegations is factually incorrect. So too is the Post article alleging that Liam Miller was charged with rape. The only difference is that whilst relatively very few people read my blog a lot of people read the Phnom Penh Post; that whilst the Post article defaming Liam Miller is available through google search, the allegations made about you on my blog are not.

There is another and very important difference. Whereas the accuracy of the Post article about Liam Miller has never been challenged in a public forum (until here in my blog) the accuracy of the allegations made about you in the past 12 hours has been challenged in public. I think it is clear to all readers that some ‘troll’ has decided to give you a taste of the Post’s own medicine. Judging by the number of page hits this blog entry has received to date (213) the ‘troll’s’ objectives have been achieved.

False allegations made about anyone, in either the print media or online, highlight the problems inherent in defamatory statements going unchallenged. Once they have been published by the media, and then repeated by others in the media, such allegations come to be treated as facts that require no further evidence to support them. And once they are available to any and everybody through google search the person who has been defamed has little or no chance of having the defamatory material removed.

So it is that Scott Neeson’s allegations about David Fletcher still resonate today and are accepted as fact by so many people. Here is what Scott said about David Fletcher just a week before David Fletcher was arrested in Thailand:

 “There is little doubt Fletcher devotes his time to grooming young girls….The fact is these children can be bought. It’s difficult to stop it. The British Embassy have been told about Fletcher. Many organizations have files on him, but nothing has happened. If you can get this guy sent packing you are doing a service to the children here.”

No-one in the media in Cambodia has challenged this statement of Neeson’s – an allegation that has, this past 5 years, been treated as if it is a fact – despite there being no evidence of its truth that has ever been tested in a court of law.

In a country in which the rule of law prevailed, Scott would have been be sued for defamation for making this statement. His only defense in a properly constituted court would be to provide evidence that his allegation was true – namely that David Fletcher had been grooming young girls. If he could not do so, Scott would lose his case, be publically humiliated and would have to compensate Fletcher financially. So too would Andrew Drummond for the defamatory article he wrote that quotes Neeson. So too would other journalists who have used Neeson, Peter Hogan and Andrew Drummond as reliable sources of factually correct information.

Had David Fletcher had an opportunity to sue for defamation his fate might have been quite different. A public awareness that Scott Neeson (and Andrew Drummond) had lied would have placed the rape allegations made against Fletcher in a different context. Instead of there being a cheer squad on Khmer440 baying for blood, it is possible that there would have been contributors (particularly men) who realized that they too could find themselves in Fletcher’s position as a result of defamatory statements made about them. Had the Phnom Penh Post asked Neeson for evidence of the truth of his allegations, perhaps the Post would have been able to publish a statement long the lines of:

“When asked for evidence that David Fletcher had been grooming young girls Mr Neeson declined to answer.”

There is, of course, no point in David Fletcher suing Scott Neeson in a Cambodian court. Facts, evidence and truth would be irrelevant. The verdict would be decided upon in advance of any hearing  for reasons that are obvious to anyone with the most basic understanding of how the Cambodian judiciary works.

I have asked Scott several times if he has any evidence to back up his claims about David Fletcher grooming young girls. He refuses to answer. And the Phnom Penh Post refuses to ask Scott this question or, indeed, any questions at all about the legality of his removal of children from their families. Scott is a protected species. As is Action Pour les Enfants. As is LICADHO.

Ask Scott to provide the Post with a copy of the pro forma contract he forces parents to sign before taking their children into residential care. He will not do so. Then speak with a cross section of parents of children in CCF residential care and ask them to recount the circumstances under which they were induced to sign such secret ‘contracts’. Then look at the “Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation.” Here is the relevant extract:

Article 8:Definition of Unlawful Removal

The act of unlawful removal removal in this act shall mean to:
1)    Remove a person from his/her current place of residence to a place under the actor’s or a third persons control by means of force, threat, deception, abuse of power, or enticement, or
2)    Without legal authority or any other legal justification to do so to take a minor person under general custody or curatoship or legal custody away from the legal custody of the parents, care taker or guardian.

Article 9: Unlawful removal, inter alia, of Minor

A person who unlawfully removes a minor or a person under general custody or curatorship or legal custody shall be punished with imprisonment for 2 to 5 years.

Is the way in which Scott Neeson obtains signiatures on contracts with the parents of children he takes into residential care legal; in accordance with “Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation”? Or has he used “threats, deception, abuse of power, or enticement” to secure signiatures on contracts that parents are not allowed to retain copies of?

Just as neither Scott Neeson nor Action Pour les Enfants should be protected from media scrutiny, nor either should LICADHO.

Naly Pilorge claims that LICADHO has arrived at different conclusions about the David Fletcher case to the ones that I have arrived at. Here are her words:

On Sun, Dec 21, 2014, at 04:52 PM, LICADHO Director (Naly Pilorge) wrote:

Dear XXX

“Thanks for your email. We are following the case, our findings differ from James Ricketson but we cannot reveal the details of the case to protect the parties involved, thanks.


Naly Pilorge

What are LICADHO’S ‘findings’? And which parties are being protected? APLE, an NGO that specifically requested David Fletcher not be granted a ‘re-trial’? Yang Dany, who had been spirited off to China by APLE because she and her mother were going to tell the truth in court?

Given LICADHO’S refusal to even send a representative to court to observe what was supposed to be Mr Fletcher’s ‘re-trial’ in Nov 2014, it is clear that Naly believes herself to be in possession of facts, of evidence, that the Phnom Penh Municipal Court is not in possession of. (I am in possession of all the documents) To be more precise, Naly knows that David Fletcher is guilty – regardless of any doctors reports; regardless of Yang Dany’s denials. Naly Pilorge, representing LICADHO, has set herself up as investigator, prosecutor, judge and jury and believes the 10 year jail sentence for David Fletcher is fair and just and that he is not entitled to a trial at which he is able to present a defense. This, from the Director of Cambodia’s pre-eminent human rights NGO!

Naly Pilorge can feel secure in playing the roles of prosecutor, judge and jury because the Phnom Penh Post (nor any other newspaper) will not challenge her; will ask no questions at all in relation to this case.

The same applies for Action Pour les Enfants. Thierry Darnaudet and Samleang Serila likewise have get-out-of-jail free cards that leave them free of any scrutiny by the Post.

The Phnom Penh Post had more than one journalist in court the day on which David Fletcher’s trial was to occur – as promised by the same judges three weeks earlier. The Post journalists heard the APLE lawyer oppose David Fletcher’s right to a trial. The Post journalists saw the judges refusing to accept any evidence from David Fletcher; saw the judges refuse Fletcher the right to speak on his own behalf and saw them, after a 15 minute break, read a long  statement that had clearly been written before the days proceedings explaining why they had decided against allowing David Fletcher a trial. And what story did the Post publish about the travesty of justice that occurred in court that day? Nothing. The clear breach of Mr Fletcher’s human and legal rights did not warrant even a paragraph in the Post!

Again I ask you, Chad, to place yourself in the position of someone (like Fletcher or Miller) accused of a serious crime for which there is no evidence of your guilt. Imagine appearing in court and seeing Phnom Penh Post journalists taking notes. Lots of notes. And then you discover the following day, in the days to come, that the Post has published no story at all. How would you feel? What would you think? Would you feel inclined to speculate as to why the Post remained diplomatically silent?

I will, in the next 24 hours, remove all references on my blog to the false allegations made against you so that there is no possibility that these may be found by anyone through a google search; such that there is no chance that you may, at some point in the future, find yourself in precisely the same position as Liam Miller.

I trust that you will extend the same courtesy to Liam Miller.

best wishes

James Ricketson


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    2. 'Cleaned up'


      January 25, 2015 at 11:00 PM

      As an infrequent visitor to this site, I believe we began this post by talking about THIS posting on yesterdays blog: "Is it true that XXX was once charged with rape of 2 underage children (boys), but paid off the judges to escape a prison term?".
      If we are in agreement that is the posting, I am curious as to why it has been referred to many times as either a statement or a comment.

It is clearly stated as a question and ended with a question mark.

      Questions are something that you vigorously defend, and rightfully so. It appears to me that the poster was simply trying to get facts about a rumor that is floating around Phnom Penh regarding the XXX, that he had heard XXX may or may not have, engaged in. 

Asking this question is so minimal in contrast to the damage that the PPP (has done) with false false accusations of Mr. Miller and Mr. Fletcher, that it doesn't even begin to deserve to be compared. AnD he refuses to make a retraction! What a pathetic press and Editor this must be!

      James Ricketson

      January 26, 2015 at 12:07 AM

      I have a problem with rumours. David Fletcher's fate is testament to how damaging rumours can be. In his case, the rumours started with Peter Hogan and then were picked up by others who thought it would be fun (in the way that blood sport is fun) to destroy Fletcher.

      In the minds of those who went after him, Fletcher's 1998 conviction for statutory rape made him fair game.

My fear here is that starting a rumour, or allowing one to spread through this blog, could take on a life of its own such that in time readers believe that there must be some truth to the rumour. And once the rumour becomes something that can be accessed through google search then real damage can be done to a person's life - as has been the case with Liam Miller.

      I have never met Chad. I do not know him. I do not wish him to be inflicted with the reputational damage that has been inflicted on Liam Miller. By the same token, I want Chad to do the right thing and, on behalf of the Phnom Penh Post, apologise to Liam for the damage done to him by the Post's factually incorrect reportage.

      I could, as has been suggested, tell Chad that I will remove any references to rumours about him if he corrects the Post's mistakes. To take this tack smacks of a form of blackmail to me and I feel very uncomfortable about it. I do not want my doing the right thing (removing damaging rumours) to be contingent on his doing the same. This is a moral choice for him to make. And I must make my own and live with them.

      This is an important discussion to be having but I would much prefer it if names were left out of it. Amongst other things I do not wish to be in a position, some months or years down the track, of having to contact google and ask that any references that can be sourced back to me be removed from google search.

      As for Chad (responding to rumours), I don't think he needs to. And nor would I if a rumour emerged about me on the internet. To respond to such rumours merely provides them with oxygen and an invitation to trolls to smell blood and go for it. Trolls, it seems to me, don't care too much whose blood they go for, whose lives they destroy. Anyone and everyone is fair game.

Whilst I do not want to be censoring this blog, nor do I wish it to become anything like Peter Hogan's Khmer440. So, please, no names. 


      January 26, 2015 at 1:52 AM

      So how is it Ricketson that you think this 'un-named' Editor A$$HOLE deserves better than he gives. He defamed Fletcher and Miller. Refuses to print a correction or retraction of his incorrect reporting, even though you have provided the proof. Do you have the email addresses of the employees of the PPP, so that I could be certain they are aware of who this 'un-named Editor is that they work for?

WHY aren't we naming him? Does he print stories without names?? 

    3. 'Cleaned up':


      January 26, 2015 at 4:41 AM

      So of this you can approve: "Is it true that XXX was once charged with XXX but paid off the judges to escape a prison term?" 


      January 25, 2015 at 11:33 PM

      I wholeheartedly agree with the poster above. If after spending 5 years in Thai and Cambodian prisons, as Fletcher has, or having his life ruined as Miller's has been, then perhaps a comparison could be made.

      Ricketson, is your conclusion that XXX didn't commit those crimes based solely on the fact that you couldn't find any evidence or stories about it? Wouldn't that be the purpose of the 'payoff' and wouldn't an Editor of a large powerful newspaper be in a unique position to exert some control over the media? Have you spoken with any law enforcement personnel that might have 'special information' regarding these alleged events?

      James Ricketson

      January 26, 2015 at 12:16 AM

      Dear Anonymous 11.33

      I am not interested in chasing up every rumour that might appear here on my blog. If I were to do so this would be an invitation to those who wish to discredit me (and there are plenty who do) to bombard me with whatever rumour they wish to concoct and force me to seek confirmation or evidence of the rumour's falsity.

      I do not wish to speak with any law enforcement personnel about this allegation but if you do, and if you find out anything interesting (other than yet another layer of rumour) please get back to me.

      A cliche, I know, but two wrong don't make a right. Liam Miller's being defamed by the Phnom Penh Post will not be rectified by this blog's defaming of (anyone who works at the Post). 

Again, no names please. It is the principles here that are important.

      For the record, and based on a combination of gut feeling and conversations with Cambodian friends, I think that the allegations are bullshit and have been made by a troll who can smell new blood!

  3. Get fucking real, Ricketson. There is no way that the Post is going to publish a retraction and an apology and leave itself open to being sued by Mr Miller.

    1. It is somewhat presumptuous of me to answer on Mr miller's behalf but I will do so nonetheless. I have received enough distressed emails from Mr Miller to believe that his response to a public apology from the Post would be tears cried in relief that at last his nightmare was coming to an end - particularly if the story were no longer available through any google search that prospective employers might make.

    2. In most first world countries, I believe they would be forced to print a retraction/correction to mitigate the penalty or as part of the penalty, if found guilty of defamation. Cambodian journalism, with the apparent blessing of the nameless Editor of the Phnom Penh Post, sets new lows in journalism trash. Doesn't surprise considering who the Editor is.

  4. Mr Ricketson, I think you are being overly generous in advocating the playing by gentlemanly Queensbury rules. The Post doesn't play by Queensbury rules. It plays by rules dictated by Aple and ccf. The media in Cambodia is for sale to the highest bidder. Aple and ccf will outbid you any day, esp now that Scott Nesson has got into bed with Gina Rinehart and has megabucks at his disposal some of which he will probablly use to sue you for slander or deformation or whatever.

    1. Maybe, Anonymous 1.14

      However, I would like to give Chad the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to publish a retraction and an apology before leaping to too many conclusions.

      As for Gina Rhinehart, this is news to me.Or is in just another rumour?

  5. If Scott Neeson is in bed with Gina Rinehart, he better be careful.....he might get crushed!

    Neeson already has megabucks. He has turned his 700 + 'orphans' into over $10.6M in donations last year......didn't spend over $4.5M, put it in the bank. He already makes taking children.... a very profitable business.

  6. I will write to Rinehart and ask if she is in bed (metaphorically speaking) with Scott Neeson.

    As for CCF funding from sponsors and donors, yet, rescuing children from their materially poor families does seem to be a very profitable business proposition based on CCF figures.

    1. Yes, he has plenty of money to sue, Ricketson. Only Scott Neeson has no case to sue and it would be very bad for his business of taking children that is most likely illegal in Cambodia and certainly illegal in any first world countries.

    2. What does Neeson sue him for? 'Oh, Ricketson asked a question, it hurt my feelings (BooHoo) that I didn't have an answer that would help get more donations from donors that don't understand I am taking children from families'. Not exactly a strong case.

  7. Do you have the email addresses of the employees of the PPP, so that I could be certain they are aware of who this 'un-named Editor is that they work for?

    WHY aren't we naming him? Does he print stories without names??

  8. Came across this on the internet. An old story but it seems nothing has changed.

    "The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that yet another non-governmental organized charity (NGO) is under investigation for deceptive practices regarding the fake rescue of tribal females from non-existent sexual predators. Former Australian army commando Sean McBride abruptly resigned from Grey Man, the NGO he founded, after Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation determined that 21 hill tribe children from a village in northern Chiang Rai province were not rescued from prostitution as the charity claimed on its website along with appeals for funds. The Department is further investigating claims that the children had never left their homes, had continued to attend school and had suffered as a result of the publicity.

    As first reported by WoWasis in May, 2010, it appears that NGOs involved in investigating sex trafficking have found a bottomless gold mine of funding sources, leading critics to question to what extent the financial success of these organizations is based on alleged sex crime accusations that may be ultimately found to be meritless."

    1. Finally the tide seems to turn against APLE, Licadho and the rest of the child protection industry in Cambodia. The latest blog entries about how a Human Rights Organisation like Licadho brushes off any dialogue on the subject and thereby makes itself an example of the Hypocrasy these NGO’s are so well known for.

  9. The fact that the Phnom Penh Post publishes articles without investigating facts could just mean that they are unprofessional, lazy and/or ignorant. By not retracting such untruths when brought to their attention, it would seem to indicate that they are either a part of the widespread corruption in Cambodia or they are too cowardly to print anything which would negatively reflect on those involved in the corruption. Maybe they receive payoffs like the judges and law enforcement officials appear to receive. It is hard to fathom that a country could be so corrupt from the top on down.

    1. The Post is not part of any conspiracy or corruption. The Post deserves respect for the many articles that they've published about the government, especially during election time.

      As you can see in the comments below, The Post is already investigating APLE's criminal activities. In fact, they already have a story, but they're missing the sources to verify curtain facts.

      No one, not Khmer, nor foreigner, can come up with evidence that APLE is actually protecting children. Everyone knows that APLE is a criminal organization, but nobody does anything about it. Everyone just accepts it as a part of Cambodian society.

      Well, that's wrong! It's wrong when you know that children and their families are being used and abused by APLE, only for financial benefit, and you turn a blind eye. That's wrong!

      On the other hand, a newspaper is a business like any other business. The Post depends on funding from advertisers. The Post also depends on the government to allow them to write what they write. Sometimes this means you have to be very careful when you write something and sometimes this means you cannot write the things you want or at least have to wait until the time is right.

      However, not retracting incorrect information, as in the case of Liam Miller, is wrong too! Very wrong!

  10. The PPP is not going to apologize to Mr Miller unless it gets the OK from Thierry Darnaudet. Mr Darnaudet will not give his OK because a retraction would reflect badly on Aple's criminal inverstigation methods as Mr Miller has written about.

  11. I received the following in an email. I have edited it slightly:

    “You are asking correctly if PPP employees know who and what they work for. Yes, they are aware as you can read from my email exchange with american sub-editor of the PPP Sean Teehan who contacted me to find out a contact adress of former APLE Country Director Katherine Keane.

    Here is a bit from that exchange of which of course i did not get any response because…(redacted)
    sean teehan [Add]
    Sun, 25 Jan 2015 2:02 AM (1 day 7 hours ago)

    hi sean,

    I have not heard from you for a while. Have you been able to contact Catherine Keane yet ? Sigfried Harder told me that you never tried to contact him and he thereby was unable to confirm to you that Katherine Keane did tell him that she could no longer work for APLE because Thierry Darnaudet the founder and president of told her to write reports that were wrong.

    I don't know if your piece of work is part of your freelance occupation or in fact a report you are doing for the Phnom Penh Post.

    It would be nice to hear from you again, particulary in the light of this latest blog entry here:

    Where do you stand Sean ? Are you part of the deaf-dumb-and blind Journalists that work for the NGO compliant Media or are you working on your own career as a Journalist, an investigative journalist even ?
    Give me an answer ! You are my hope that in this world not all is lost.

    On Sun, Nov 16, 2014, at 08:55 PM, sean teehan wrote:
    > Mr. Tauk,
    > My name is Sean Teehan, I'm a staff reporter for the Phnom Penh Post and freelancer. I'm looking into some things I've heard about the NGO APLE in Cambodia and their tactics. I was wondering if you had any information on them. I also was told by a source that you might have contact information for APLE's former country director, Katherine Keane and/or other former APLE staffers. If you could please call or text me at 017--751-3504 or email me at to let me know if you will be available to talk to me or answer questions by email this week or sometime in the coming weeks, I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
    > Best.
    > Sean
    > --
    > Sean Teehan
    > Reporter/Sub-editor
    > Phnom Pehh Post"

    1. Good! Happy to see that things came around and that the big wheel is turning!

      "I'm looking into some things I've heard about the NGO APLE in Cambodia and their tactics. "

      Funny, that everyone in Cambodia actually knows that Action pour les Enfants (APLE) is a criminal organisation. In fact, on this blog I cannot find any comment that defends the existence of Child 'Protection' NGO Action pour les Enfants. Isn't that strange for an NGO with such a 'noble' mission?

      It's almost as if people accept the criminal activities of APLE as "Yeah, that's Cambodia. There's land grabbing by the government, orphanages with no real orphans and a Child 'Protection' NGO called Action pour les Enfants (APLE) that entraps foreigners. But the beach is okay, the bars are not bad and the booze is cheap."

  12. I love this line: 'deaf-dumb-and blind Journalists', but I fear the consequences that it has for Cambodia.

    Now would his use of the term 'Journalists' include the un-named Editor of the Phnom Penh Post? Or is it expressly including him? He clearly seems to qualify.

    So much pertinent information unreported in Cambodia. Why would one bother to purchase a newspaper?

  13. Corruption stems from the lack of journalistic integrity. The most obvious person to hold accountable for this is the Editor of the Phnom Penh Post, CHAD WILLIAMS!

  14. If Rinehart is funding Scott Neeson and CCF, wouldn't that be the joke of the year, considering she apparently jumped off SISHA because of an allegation that Morrish misappropriated funds, which was proven by KPMG to be false, but from what I hear she didn't go back to SISHA and then she has got into bed with an organisation that has a convicted criminal working with it, which is definitely not false.

    Maybe she needs an email.

  15. What makes me vomit is the fact that all of you, Ricketson, Peter Hogan, the newspapers and all the bloggers that hide anonymously and defame people, cannot see that you are all part of a vicious merry-go-round. All of you are vipers and it is proven that you will turn on each other and defame each other at the chance of good gossip or enhancing your own social media.

    None of you have any understanding of ethics, honour or loyalty.

    Ricketson, please dont sit up on a false pedestal thinking that you are a angel in all of this. You are as every bit bad as the people you are writing about and probably worse than the likes of those shonky PP Post and Cambodia Daily wanna be journalists, who in most cases are in Cambodia for short time and want to write as much mud racking stories as possible.

    Peter Boyle - chronic cannabis smoker who writes false stories.
    William Jackson - sacked from Cambodia daily for writing false stories and now at PP Post. Paid to write good stories about CCF's Child Protection Unit and McCabe

    1. Dear Anonymous 5.27

      Given that I put my name to everything I write I think it somewhat inaccurate to accuse me of 'hiding anonymously.

      As for my 'defaming' people, please point out to me one example of my having done so?

      I am certainly no angel but in what way do you think I am "every bit as bad as the people (I) am writing about"? Some evidence of this would be much appreciated.

      I have been doing here, on this blog, what a journalist does - ask questions.

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  17. Mr. Rickets

    You are defaming people simply by asking questions which have no foundation. You cannot just make up questions and then ask away in the hope that one out of 20 may unravel some smouldering gossip.

    Simply by naming a person in your questions defames them, because you are insinuating that through your question, there must be some chance of truth to your question. And by doing so, you leave a permanent print on that person name in social media like Google search, which the person in question has no way of removing.

    Please dont try to mask your defaming blogs as an ethical journalist's unraveling of the truth. You are not even close to a journalist, let alone ethical.

    I have heard many questions asked of you, your known actions and motivations with some poor Khmer families. Rumours have stated that you always look to supposedly support poor families that have young daughters. Is that because you yourself are looking to exploit these girls sexually. Perhaps it is you that is the sex offender here and you are masking it by looking to be so righteous in the eyes of the child protection agencies who maybe looking at you. Heaven forbid that I am now asking this question on a public forum and perhaps it should be raised in more detail - after all its just a question and as members of the public we have the right to first state you are a pedophile and then say that we are just a skiing a question but not really defaming you.

    1. Mr. Ricketson is asking legitimate questions. Questions that inevitably arise from the evidence that's available.

      Facts and evidence, such as the fact that David Fletcher's 'victim' is still a virgin after being raped.
      Facts and evidence, such as the fact that Liam Miller was never charged with rape.

      These are not rumours or gossip, but facts with evidence to prove it.

      When people responsible for spreading untrue information are asked for accountability, that's not defamation.

      Of course, some people find it highly inconvenient to be confronted with some of the questions asked, because it touches their impunity.
      And they have no answers to the questions too, because honest answers might reveal a painful truth.

      All Mr. Ricketson does is invite people to join the debate, but...

      When asked if David Flether (and any other human being) deserves a fair trial... No answer.
      When asked if it's fair that untrue and defaming information about Liam Miller is still circulating on the internet... No answer

      No answers, except for a few trolls that post replies on this blog every now and then to attack the integrity of a journalist that asks legitimate questions.

      If the questions asked are so defamatory, why not come with a clear statement backed up with traceable evidence that Mr. Ricketson is indeed a crook and a liar?
      Why not sue Mr. Ricketson? Please publicly provide all the evidence that you've got!

    2. APLE Team - its sounds like you are smoking Ricketsons pole!

  18. Dear Anonymous 6.04

    Which of my questions have no foundation? Evidence, please, and not simply vague assertions.

    Asking a question carries none of the insinuations you suggest. Journalists ask such difficult and potentially embarrassing questions of people all the time - as you have done below.

    As I have suggested several times, please let me know whom I have defamed and when.

    It does not concern me that many questions might be asked about myself. Feel free to ask them.

    What are my 'known actions'?

    And, since you seem to know more about my 'motivations' than I do, please enlighten me as to what these might be?

    For a period of 20 years I have been helping one particular family - in which there are five daughters and two sons. No, I have no interest in any of them sexually.

    I have, over the years, helped many people in Cambodia and am, at present, helping a whole community of them. If you wish to go looking for evidence of ulterior motives on my part, please feel free to do so. And, if you find any evidence of inappropriate or illegal behaviour on my party you should report this to the relevant authorities.

    As for the child protection agencies that may be looking at me I have been followed and photographed many times over the years and feel sure, if they had anything on me, that they would have acted by now.

    It does not bother me that you have raised this in a public forum and please feel free to raise it in as much detail as you like.

    If you have any evidence at all that I am a pedophile, please feel free to call me one, though you really should be going to the relevant authorities with your evidence.

    Incidentally, whom have I ever identified as a pedophile on my blog and whom have I even implied was a pedophile? Have I ever asked anyone if they were a pedophile?

  19. When Ricketson confronts obnoxious 'detractors' with providing any proof of their insinuation, they become mysteriously quiet. Now why do you think that would be?

  20. Out of frustration I am writing on this blog. Can all the genuine people who read it (only because they are being told that they are being defaced) but are not in favour of what Ricketson writes, please stop adding comments on this forum. All this is doing is adding fuel to his deplorable blog which like him, has zero credibility and even less respect.

    PP Post, Cambodia Daily, NGO's, Government agencies and all the other credible authorities being tarnished with Ricketsons conspiracy brush, please ignore this congregation of insignificant individuals.

    1. Dear Anonymous 9.41

      If you feel frustrated reading this blog the answer is simple: Don't read it. It is not compulsory!

      I think that you mean 'defamed', not 'defaced' but I ask again, please point me to any statement I have made that is defamatory.

      As for people 'in favour' of what I write, I repeat...reading this blog is not mandatory. Some will find it instructive, some infuriating etc. As for 'comments' it is in the nature of dialogue, of debate (indeed of the whole concept of free speech) that anyone who wants to can comment - even those (especially those) whose opinions you don't agree with.

      As for my 'conspiracy brush' please outline for me, and for other readers you wish would not read, just what my 'conspiracy theory' is?

      At the risk of belabouring the point, anyone who wishes to is free to ignore what I write and the 'congregation of insignificant individuals' who make comments from time to time.

    2. Is this the wishful thinking of the NGO / Media Mafia in Cambodia ?
      (please stop adding comments on this forum. All this is doing is adding fuel to his deplorable blog) ....

      you forgot to add: which is hurting our business and puts our miserable existence at stake because donors could find out and stop sending funding.

      Ricketson has asked the questions the media circus should have asked from day 1 which is now 11 years ago. (But because NGO are also one of the biggest Ad customers for the press they decided to join the circus instead)

  21. The only thing that Blogs like Ricketsons achieve is allowing the slaters of society to crawl out from under their rocks and sun themselves in the safe environment that good people provide them.

    Fear not - like all slaters, if you ignore them for long enough, they crawl back under the rocks they came from.

    1. Dear Anonymous 9.44

      I am keen to find out, if you would wish to share the information with we 'slaters' just which 'good people' are providing the 'safe environment' we are sunning ourselves in?

      If you are right about ignoring slaters, if we will eventually crawl back under our rocks, might I suggest that you ignore this blog and stop working yourself up into such a lather.

  22. There is only one thing that you need to consider here. Even the low life morons from Khmer440 have banned Ricketson. Does anything else need to be said?

  23. I am sure that the new proprietor will be devastated, heart-broken, that you have referred to him as a 'low life moron'.

    I have had some considerable communication with the new proprietor and he made it clear what his rules were for those who wished to join. I made it clear that I could not and would not abide by his rules - which I consider to amount to censorship. So, quite amicably, with no hard feelings of either side, I did not take up his offer to allow me to re-join.

  24. This amazing piece of work has turned up many snakes in the grass, that should have been the work of the press in the first place. There are many out there who have only hate in their heart, but not one has yet to prove anything that you say is false. Perhaps you are turning up information, where THEY lose? Keep up your great work, Uncovering the truth is a huge tool for the betterment of Cambodia!

  25. Hahaha - take a look at all of your blog responses Ricketson. Any comment or response that praises you or makes you sound as if you are some righteous angel, you welcome with open arms. As soon as someone writes something that is contrary to your opinions you jump down their throats and push back and try to make it sound as if the comments are from an NGO or others trying to protect themselves.

    Put simply, and in basic language so some of your moronic readers can understand sentences with words with less than 4 letters - Ricketson, you are a fuckwit of the highest order. Well done on contributing so much to the community.

    1. Dear Anonymous 11.05

      An example please of a blog entry that makes me seem like a righteous angel? I am merely doing what journalists do - asking questions, following leads. It's just that the nature of journalism has changed this past few years to include blogs such as mine. ANd it is bnlots such as mine that have also given you a voice that you did not have in the days when all journalism was controlled by a fairly elite group of people.

      Whose throats have I jumped down? I have responded to all comments, to my recollection, in a fairly polite fashion. Have I ever called anyone a "fuckwit of the highest order"? No. Have I ever verbally abused anyone on this blog in the way that you js have here? No, This is not the way civilised discourse takes place. (Incidentally, 'fuckwit' has more than four letters in it), as I imagine some of the less morionic readers of this blog will notice!

  26. Interesting that none of the blog contributors here accusing Ricketson of defamation (without providing any evidence) are at all concerned about Liam Miller being defamed by the Phnom Penh Post - for which is there is clear evidence. The wagons are circling!

    1. Yes, not one of those who accuse me of defamation have expressed any concern at all for Liam Miller - whose life has, literally, been destroyed (professionally and personally) by a phnom Penh Post article.

      For those out there who repeatedly accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist: I do not believe that the Phnom Penh Post set out to defame Liam Miller. I suspect that it was just very sloppy journalism that was not picked up by the current editor (not Chad) and, when it was point out, did not seem to be an error worthy of correction. Again, sloppy management and a lack of concern for the impact that the article was having on Mr Miller's life.

      It is noteworthy also that none of those who criticise me for 'defaming good people' ever criticise Scott Neeson for defaming David Fletcher with his 'grooming young girls' comment. Nor do they ever declare, regardless of their feelings for the man, that t David Fletcher is entitled to a fair trial.

      Why not? Shouldn't all accused of a crime be entitled to a fair trial?

    2. Yes, I support a fair trial for everyone. I think it is only those who fear the truth, that don't.

  27. We don't use the work 'fuckwit', but from its usage here, I'm assuming it means someone with: morals, ethics, drive, a conscience, someone not afraid to share the facts where ever they fall, someone with the balls to stand up to injustice and share the truth, a humanitarian willing to actually do good for others. Great job James!.

    1. Sorry to disillusion you, Anonymous 1.04, but 'fuckwit' is an Australian colloquialism that is far from a compliment. It is probably on a par with the American use of 'mother-fucker'. A fuckwit is an idiot and worthy of no respect at all. More importantly, in this context, a 'fuckwit' is someone whose status is so low that it would be a waste of time and breath to respond to his utterances in any way. You get the picture!?

      Childish. The sort of comment made by an adolescent schoolyard bully.

      The person calling me a 'fuckwit' is clearly an Australian and I have a pretty good idea who he is.

    2. I know you are not referring to the Editor of the Phnom Penh Post but do we have to refer to this Australian as XXX?

    3. (1) I did not know,till just now, that the editor of the PPP was/is Australian.
      (2) I do not want this blog to descend to the level that Peter Hogan took Khmer440.
      (3) Unsubstantiated allegations, fun though they may be for those who want their entertainment to be 'bloody' are a distraction from the important issues that need to be addressed in relation to Cambodia's relationship with NGOs.

  28. Is Chris Dawe, CEO/Publisher of the PPP on your list of communicants for your blog? Also, since the PPP is an 'Award Winning Newspaper', wouldn't it be in the best interest of the 'Award' givers to have access to the truth about reporting 'facts' in Cambodia?

  29. Liam Miller has written three times to Chris Dawe. No response. Neither he nor Chad Williams, it seems, is at all concerned about the damage done to Liam Miller's life by the demonstrably false article it published.
