Monday, February 2, 2015

# 92 Questions raised about APLE's modus operandi 9 years ago. From Tom Selig

This is Part One of a comment (a very long comment) sent to this blog by Tom Selig. It was then mostly removed by a hacker who has found a way of getting into this blog and deleting certain comments.

Nine years ago concerns were raised about APLE’S modus operandi that are, you will see, identical those raised today.

It seems to me that the only reason some anonymous bloggers here are desperately fighting against David Fletcher ever having a fair trial is to protect their own source of income - which necessitates the victimizing of people. These poor souls that couldn’t make it into the upper ranks of their homeland police remind me of the special forces combatants that once they return home after service they found themself ostracized by their own society - which often enough consider them mass murderers or simply a danger.

The mercenaries of the child protection industry in Cambodia are an equal danger to society since they draw their meager existence on stalking and vigilantism drawing a monster (the white male) on the wall that pretty much resembles themselves.

The comments of the Khmer440 bottom feeders and APLE volunteer assassination gang sound like you are talking to a lynch mob as one khmer440 blogger said some time ago. The mere fact that these people blog under Anonymous means that they got a lot to hide. They are possibly not as liliwhite as they try to portray themselves and their main concern is to loose their source of income from being a snitch - hanging around girlie bars in Phnom Penh etc. feeding the APLE Machine.

In all this debate one tends to forget who created this PROTECT Program in the first place. No other than French national Thierry Darnaudet, a suicidal (July 27 in Calcutta 4 star hotel) backpacker with no background other than being a frustrated librarian on a search for a reason to live. Thierry Darnaudet’s PROTECT Program was largely financed and supported by Spanish – run by his buddy Andres Torres.

I was not surprised to see the US Government immediately take a liking in this program and adapted it into US Law. The NSA must have been extremely grateful to Darnaudet since they sent the US Ambassador to pay a visit to APLE. Even Bill Clinton was not too far off when he visited 's Phnom Penh  Office (a financial support NGO of the
first day's of APLE).

To get all this into the perspective of what happened in the past 10 years here is an old email exchange between Canadian Aid worker and Aple's Katherine Keane (operating in Sihanoukville) in 2006.

From APLE's ex-Country Director Katherine Kaene to James Dunsmore after a mobile phone text message.

Dear James,

I write in response to your text message of today:

“I am your informant putting myself and my future Charity work at risk by helping you carry out your mandate. I call your dedication to this management of sensitive volunteer field assets into question and request an official appointment with your agency's National Director at your earliest convenience. I will travel to the capital to facilitate this if that is necessary. RSVP ASAP.”

I feel that it is best that I reply to this text message via email.

First, no appointment with our National Director is necessary as I personally am taking over that position in two weeks and will be handling all such matters.

Second, myself and other APLE staff are extremely busy handling a multitude of responsibilities and tasks and as such must make time-management decisions based on carefully considered priorities.

It is not practical that we respond to every demand for an immediate appointment made by someone claiming to have urgent information. Your insistence on meeting during my personal time on Wednesday night for a matter which you claimed was urgent (but in fact was not) is an example.

Third, as you can imagine we do not hold meetings with people providing us with information in our office as the location is best kept quiet and our office contains much sensitive information. We have undercover staff
working for us and as a result must respect their privacy. Instead, we choose other options for communication:

- meeting in various locations in town which we know to be safe, friendly places where we can discuss sensitive matters in private (i.e.Starfish Cafe or small Hotel)

APLE respects the confidential nature of all information and the privacy of all those who provide us with that information.

I must admit to finding your insistence that a telephone is not a
'secure channel' for discussion in Cambodia a little strange. Your refusal to email me the information you claim to have today rather than meeting in person is also troubling considering your apparent great concern for being seen in public with APLE personnel.

Fourth, I find it a troubling allegation and do not understand your claim that providing APLE with information places your future charity work at risk. My understanding is that you are working part-time as an English teacher at a school for Cambodian children. APLE cooperates with many child-rights organizations working in Sihanoukville and experiences
no problem in this regard.

If your concerns of our 'dedication' are indeed so great then I would recommend that you simply choose in future not to contact APLE staff. APLE will of course maintain the confidentiality of any information provided with you to this date.

Yours faithfully,

Katherine Keane

Technical Advisor

Action Pour Les Enfants

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

James Dunsmore's reply:

Dear Ms. Keane, 16/09/06

Thank you for your email reply and I apologize for the garbled text message you received, apparently it's a Khmer cell network issue.

You must appreciate that by me acting on the children’s behalf by providing credible information on potential imminent threats to their safety to your organization puts me in a position where people can get suspicious as I circulate in groups you could never circulate in as everyone knows you and your mandate.

To be seen more and more in your presence creates rumors and my well being can be compromised as a Snitch if word gets out. If my well being is compromised I will not be acting as a Volunteer for my charity here so my future plans will be compromised as well, to the detriment of the children we are both here to help.

I now understand the matters of security of meeting you or members of your staff, I'm sure you can appreciate mine. I don't have an organization protecting me.

I have been approached and congratulated by unknown local Khmer that have intimate knowledge of the sensitive information I passed on to you so as far as you claiming to honor standards of confidentiality for information, I beg to differ.

The information provided to you the other night was dismissed as not “urgent” maybe so in hindsight but it was not irrelevant. I was surprised at your ignorance at hearing that the stretch of beach where the French national was murdered is a known pedophile child procurement zone.

I thought the possible connections that were time sensitive at that time may have helped you in some way. Hopefully you can add that area to your watch list in the future as it is highly active.

The crux of what I was hoping for clarification on was involving the Oceans Hotel. When I heard you actively suspect the hotel of providing under-aged prostitution services and engaging in human trafficking, I wondered why you would not have alerted me earlier to that fact as you knew I was living there. I have a reputation that I take extra care to avoid even the presence of wrong doing and have gone out of my way to
help you. Did you have designs for my possible Entrapment to boost your numbers in a raid? Absolutely callous by any moral standard and Illegal.

As far as your information, I have been living at the Hotel as the only resident besides the family and small staff for the last 7 weeks. It has never been used for the purposes of prostitution and there is no intention to do so now or in the future.

It is an 8 room, full service hotel complete with restaurant and bar, no more no less. I know because upon hearing your allegations I investigated personally to determine if my patronage of the Hotel would continue or not. It has and it will.

It seems in the instance of the Oceans Hotel, you have prejudged the owner and his business on what facts I won’t comment. I strongly call into question your “bush league” investigative techniques in verifying what information comes your way from what ever source, to ensure its validity.

You know as well as me that any allegation regardless of fact or fiction has the potential to destroy reputations no matter what the final outcome.

You have a duty of Responsibility. A duty you are negligent of in at least this case.

I'm on your side as a humanitarian Volunteer in the field of helping the children of Cambodia and I felt very slighted as I thought I had earned your trust with the information provided and the official documents for you to verify my identity.

I've nothing to hide but feel that by my association as a guest at the hotel, I may have been put under scrutiny as well, for no legitimate reason, thus potentially violating my rights as well in your ongoing, baseless fishing campaign.

I have heard from local sources that your techniques are being perceived as increasingly unethical, unsound and in any first world country would be deemed illegal on the grounds of an illegitimate invasion of privacy.

As far as your comments about the owner Ron Haswell, the use of the term Human Trafficker is malicious, spiteful and could open your Organization to increased public scrutiny and/or legal proceedings as your tactics are widely seen in the community as a vindictive smear campaign against mostly honest Caucasian men.

If your misdirected suspicions of activities going on in the Oceans Hotel are any indication, your allegations of Ron being a human trafficker are completely unsubstantiated and you're acting on pure, uninvestigated rumors and innuendo.

Any amount of time spent in investigating your information related to Ron would confirm the fact he is not engaging in any wrong doing but you have obviously not even attempted to do this as your time in Sihanoukville is drawing to a close in favor of your promotion to the Capital and you seem to be more interested in accruing political brownie points than engaging in responsible investigative techniques.

Were you aware the Oceans Hotel is now possibly the only establishment in the Kingdom of Cambodia that voluntarily enforces a strict policy of verifying every Patron’s identification prior to admittance? Or that Mr. Haswell has also pledged a portion of the hotel’s profits directly to
the Goodwill School Charity? I thought not.

The credibility of your organization and you and Zelda (Hunter) personally are now being openly questioned in the community and the benefit of the doubt in other investigations against others will equally lose merit due to your acknowledged tactics thus allowing genuine sexual predators a
freer reign than if you had acted professionally from the outset instead of chasing honest shadows in the dark.

Your credibility has been damaged in my eyes as well due to the cavalier attitude you both displayed the other night over your complete lack of respect for an innocent man’s personal and professional reputation. I thought about what you said and felt I had misunderstood you so I asked for clarification on Friday.

Without clarification on these points, I can only speculate you have an agenda against American citizens from the Philippines (as you described at our meeting that that was your main reason for suspecting Ron) and are drawing parallels from the American from Tramps Palace who was
recently exposed for debauchery for imprisoning minors by another NGO which I believe is one of your rivals.

It is slander to paint an innocent man with the same brush as a known felon but that fact seems to have no bearing on your agenda to score career points for yourselves.

It’s called Defamation of Character which is Illegal in anyone’s books.

Any allegations of impropriety targeting the Oceans Hotel would directly impact on me, being the sole guest, so indirectly, judgment would be passed by the court of popular opinion by your vicious gossip without proper investigation, charges laid or trial against me so I could defend my impeccably good name as a Volunteer.

The last point of which I sought clarification is the comments made about the Khmer Police and other Civic Authorities that will benefit from my volunteer teaching of English to facilitate liaisons with western law enforcement agencies currently being deployed to Cambodia to reduce the dependence on Non Police, Non Government Organization personnel who though their heart may be in the right place, have neither
the training, diplomacy or tact to do any progressive work.

The comment put to me was "Why would you want to help the Police here?" My question as a law abiding citizen is “Why would I not volunteer to help the recognized authority of the land in combating pedophilia if I could?”

What possible reasons could there be that Zelda (Hunter) does not want to entertain or foster cooperation with the Police by aiding in every possible way, unless she has a vested interest in her own position and the continued justification of your organization's operational budget?

It seems you have either poor or non existent relations with the authorities here, are seemingly trying to falsify evidence and are actively propagating rumors to justify your mandate and thus, your global budget. Or is it that you at Action Pour Enfants believe that you are above the law in Cambodia and elsewhere in the 3rd world?

Very interesting, troubling and deeply thought provoking.

I believe more clarity is needed between your organization’s role and the public of your host countries in general, Sihanoukville’s community in particular as they have been repeatedly victimized with no basis during your tenures here.

From my limited understanding, you are neither a Police Officer or a Government Organization so please help me understand the source of your authority here in Cambodia to target innocent, law abiding residents with unsubstantiated rumors.

It seems to many, you are operating with a pseudo Vigilante mentality that could be easily construed as nothing more than a orchestrated campaign of male harassment in the eyes of legal professionals anywhere there exists the rule of Law.

I and others here would very be interested to formally examine your Organization’s mandate, mission statement and employee training standards prior to engagement for it’s Members because it either needs modification to comply with basic human rights or you are not acting in accordance to it's guidelines in the pursuit of your own hidden personal
career agendas.

There is no way your current, unethical tactics are sanctioned by your headquarters but if they are, there is even more reason for public debate on who is allowed to operate in the 3rd world unchecked as the innocent of all walks need protection from foreign abusers operating beyond the reach of the law in their own opinions.

These are some of the reasons I made a legitimate request to arrange a meeting with your Director, Thierry Darnaudet, as it seems you have every intention of operating by your own rules unsupervised here in Sihanoukville and wishto keep this abuse of authority quiet until you assume your new position in the Capital where you will have more authority to continue the cover up your past improprieties in our community and possibly propagate more with your expanded powers throughout Cambodia.

I believe there should be an transparent, open to the public debate into the very legitimacy of your organization based on you and Zelda’s operating procedures and prejudiced belief system that I and other innocents have experienced firsthand.

Ma’am with all due respect, you two personally need more operational controls, checks, balances and accountability for your indiscretions, not more power.

If your organization’s position is to not be forthcoming on these legitimate requests from the concerned, respected members of the Sihanoukville community, I'm utterly speechless.

I ask again for there to be a meeting with your Director as it's even more important now as you seem to be actively blocking attempts to expose the truth by stipulating a meeting is not necessary. In your opinion, of course it’s not but there is a much more ominous, growing concern than your personal career enhancement goals.

I believe the community you serve should have some say.
Would the National Director's office not be suitable forum to start?

I mean no personal ill will in this letter and hope we can work
productively to continue serving the community but there seem to be too many questionable practices ranging from my confidentiality being breached by you directly or someone in your organization, your vigilante like zeal to harass legitimate business owners without proof, a non
cooperative attitude toward the legitimate Authorities of Cambodia right up to the feeling that the possibility of any allegations of wrong doing not be brought to the attention of your outgoing National Director.

As your Director, Thierry Darnaudet, is ultimately accountable for all of your actions, I'm sure he wouldn't be adverse to a meeting to address the misunderstandings your ladies unfounded and malicious allegations have raised and to help quell the furor simmering in the community against your organization’s indiscretions before he leaves Cambodia charging you to suppress the fall out of the folly of their rein as Director here in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

There is no reason at this point not to keep this all in house, but if attempts are made to shirk your responsibilities to the community you’ve repeatedly and recklessly attempted to violate, I'm sure there are other organizations that would be happy to bring this to a broader arena, one that you yourselves are so adept at manipulating for your organization’s continuing budget…the court of popular opinion.

I seek confirmation of the receipt of this correspondence by someone senior to yourself for obvious reasons to discuss when these issues can be addressed.

If the Cambodian head office’s position is to continue to operate in bad faith, we will have no option but to advise the recognized authorities in Bolivia, Columbia, Guatemala, India, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Peru that your organization operates outside the realm of ethical, accountable, law abiding behavior in Cambodia and should be fully investigated in
these impoverished, open to exploitation areas of the world as well.

I’m sure your collaborating companies, organizations and donor base would appreciate knowing who they have affiliated themselves with so they, like I at the Oceans Hotel can make an informed decision whether to continue affiliations with your organization or not. You, unlike the Oceans Hotel and Ron Haswell have engaged in activities of which a cover
up we believe will go ahead the moment you assume your new, expanded duties in Phnom Penh in less than two weeks.

Thank you for your time.

Myself and many others involved parties eagerly await your
Organization's official reply in this matter with ever increasing

James Dunsmore BSSc Tech SP, Volunteer Educator be continued...


  1. So whats your point. I would do the same if Mr. Tom Selig was annoying me with emails filled with dribble. And before you jump down my throat, Tom Selig is a vexatious pest. Aska round and you will get the just of what people think of him. He is a constant blogger like your self Ricketson who has zero credibility and whose blogs stink of stale piss and wind. Just take a look at his ridiculous blogs on Khmer440.

    Another quality citizen who slithered into Cambodia and now wants to criticise everything about it.

    1. I have no idea whether Tom Selig is a vexatious pest or not. I will ask around but whom should I ask?

      If Selig has zero credibility no doubt no-one who thinks he is a 'vexatious pest' will bother to read what he writes. The same applies for myself.

      You have a wonderful turn of phrase, Anonymous 5.25. My blogs "stink of piss and wind." Wonderful!

      What is wrong with criticism? What role do you think the media should play? Cheerleader?

    2. You are not mainstream media Ricketson - you are a blogger who has self knighted into believing that what you say or write should be believed by others as gospel.

      Criticism is fine providing it comes from a position of credibility i.e. dont criticise if you have no expertise in the area you are criticising, dont criticise if you are only preaching hate and being judgmental and dont criticise if you have a personal conflict of interest.

    3. Dear Anonymous 6.38

      I have been working in the media since 1970. My first published articles appeared in 1974. I have made dozens of documentaries, award-winning TV drama and 3 feature films. Your assertion that I do not work in mainstream media is a little wide of the mark.

      As I have indicated, blogging is merely a new form of journalism. It enables pretty much anyone to become a 'citizen journalist'. Most blogs will die early deaths through lack of interest on the part of readers. Some will be massively successful because they fill a niche not dealt with by mainstream media. This blog is filling one such niche in Cambodia.

      I do not expect anyone to believe anything I write as 'gospel'. I expect people to exercize their own judgement and decide for themselves, on the basis of what they read here, whether I am a nutter or not.

      Likewise, I do not believe anything I read as if it is 'gospel'. I take it all with a huge grain of salt.

      As for my 'credibility' this is for readers to decide upon for themselves on the basis of what they read here.

      I have been travelling to Cambodia for 20 years now and have been involved in the lives of many Cambodians. I claim no expertise and I think you would find it hard to find any statement from myself on this blog in which I present myself as an 'expert'.

      One example of my 'preaching hate' please.

      As for 'personal conflict of interest', I met David Fletcher by chance and had no real interest in getting involved in his case until I discovered that his alleged victim was declared a virgin by a court-appointed doctor. It was at this point that I began to ask questions. I found that no-one involved in the pursuit and prosecution of Fletcher was willing to answer any questions. Then I discovered that the British Embassy in Thailand had destroyed Mr Fletcher's passport 'by mistake' - whilst knowing that it contained evidence that he was not in Cambodia at the time of the alleged rapes. Curiouser and cuiouser, I thought to myself and here we are.

      Yes, this blog has branched out in ways that I had not anticipated. There is now quite a lively debate taking place and this is a good thing - regardless of whether you agree with me or not. Clearly the word 'Scambodia' did not come out of nowhere. This is a country in which the unscrupulous can flourish - be they Cambodian politicians, Cambodian and ex-pat businessmen, NGOs and others - including sex offenders.

      However, not all Cambodian politicians, not all ex-pat businessmen,not all NGOs are unscrupulous. But then again, nor are all men charged with sex crimes. The rule of law should apply to everyone. 'Political prisoners' should be allowed fair trials. Peaceful demonstrators should be allowed fair trials. Victims of rape should be entitled to fair trials. The notion that the perpetrator of a rape can pay the family of the victim and the case is dropped is an outrage. It is not enough for human rights groups to write reports about what an outrage this is but to place whatever resources they can at the disposal of the victim and her family to see to it that the matter goes to trial.

  2. APLE founder Thierry Darnaudet is Suicidal

    "A 45-year-old French national, who works for an NGO, tried to commit suicide by swallowing an overdose of sleeping pills at a five-star hospitality address in the heart of the city on Thursday afternoon.

    Darrial K. Dernandet Thierry, admitted to the intensive care unit at Calcutta Medical Research Institute, is yet to regain consciousness.

    Police have found a suicide note in his hotel room, in which he had written: “I am very depressed and that’s why I am taking this step. Inconvenience is regretted. I request you to cremate my body and scatter the ashes in the Ganges.”

    “He was rushed unconscious to CMRI. He is still unstable, though out of danger,” said an officer of New Market police station. A preliminary investigation revealed that Thierry had been suffering from “some ailments”.

    Thierry is part of a France-based NGO — Global Humaneteria — which works among street children, especially in Asian countries.

    He arrived in Calcutta on June 19 and put up at the NGO’s office in Lake Gardens, before checking into the hotel on June 25 evening. “He has been visiting the city for the past 16 years. We are yet to know why he left the NGO’s office and started staying in the hotel,” the officer said.

    After lunch on Thursday afternoon, Thierry entered his room (202) and hung the “do not disturb” sign. The hotel staff became suspicious after seeing the room closed for more than seven hours.

    “We knocked on the door for half an hour but there was no response. We tried to call Thierry through the intercom, but in vain. Seeing no option, we called New Market thana around 8pm and opened the door with the duplicate key in the presence of the police,” said a hotel official.

    “An empty liquor bottle was lying on the floor. Some sleeping pills were found in an empty glass,” an officer said.

    “Thierry, a bachelor, is a dedicated worker. He was to visit some districts in a few days,” said an NGO official.

    Source: The Telegraph, Calcutta, India. Jul 28, 2007

    Please check his Facebook at

    His posts from December 2014 shows how mentally unstable the President of Action pour les Enfants is.
    Scroll further down to see how obsessed Thierry Darnaudet is with paedophilia.

  3. Thierry Daurnaudet is a Danger to the Children close to him. There have been Reports on's Speakeasy blog about Child Abuse in his Calcutta Children Home, where he has beaten a child (Malik Katoon) so severe that it had to be sent off to the hospital for treatment. The Police was called and issued a report and, . . . nothing happened! And the Donors never ask!

    Should a guy with his track record be running a Child Protection NGO?

    1. Well thanks goodness we dont have a person like yourself APLE Team running anything of importance. You are an obvious idiot. Who are you to question a person who try's to comity suicide? Do you understand depression and know that it is classified by doctors and medical experts as a bona fide illness that millions of people around the world now suffer from?

      Judging by your comments and how little understanding you have of the English language, you are definitely Khmer. And if I was a betting man, I would say that you are a former APLE employee who has been sacked and now you have a grudge against them. Is this true?

    2. We are a group of local Cambodians and foreigners living in- and outside of Cambodia, investigating and monitoring the ongoing allegations of corruption, entrapment and violation of child rights, committed by 'Child Protection' NGO Action pour les Enfants in Cambodia.

      And you? You must be Thierry Darnaudet's personal psychiatrist?

      Don't attack the messenger, but comment on the content of the message only please.

      Wouldn't you agree that a Child Protection NGO deserves to be managed by mentally stable people? Wouldn't you agree that suicidal alcoholics accused of child abuse should not be running anything that involves children?

      And let's talk about APLE's modus operandi, the subject of this blog post. Do you think that following foreigners and wait until the crime actually occurs is an ethically correct method?

    3. Having had 28 years of close association with a person suffering from depression, mental illness and who has attempted suicide, here's my 10 cents worth.

      A mentally ill, depressed and on occasion suicidal person can function within the community and, indeed, do good work for that community.

      As far as I can tell we know nothing about the circumstances surrounding Thierry Darnaudet's suicide attempt and it would be presumptuous for us to draw any conclusions from it.

      The focus of attention should be on APLE's modus operandi not on any mental illness Darnaudet may suffer from. And I mean MAY. A suicide attempt is not in itself evidence of mental illness.

      I would like to suggest that the conversation steer clear of character assassination and focus on the real issues at stake here.

  4. Just read above. Tom Selig is an obvious nut job. Have you actually read his material Ricketson? Surely, even a man of your limited credibility these days would not stoop to a new low and allow this rubbish to be posted onto your blog. I was hoping to give you the benefit of the doubt on all of your blogs but this is just rubbish. Apart from the apparent lack of command of the english language that Selig displays, what he is writing is just utter garbage and resembles the ramblings of a desperate and delusional individual suffering from psychotic episodes.

    Allowing this rubbish to be placed on to your blog has lowered your flag Ricketson I'm afraid.

    1. Dear Anonymous 5.49

      Whether Tom Selig is a nutjob or not I have no idea.

      There are some who read your comments - replete with wonderfully poetic insults - and call you a nutjob also. Should I censor your comments along with Tom Selig's?

      I had no idea, when I started this blog, that it would take off in the direction it has. However, regardless of your opinions one way or another clearly an interest set of debates it taking place that are relevant to Cambodia. Yes, there will be butters, there will be trolls, there will be those who try to manipulate facts to suit their own agenda but in amongst it all there seems to be emerging a picture of NGOs involvement in the affairs of Cambodia that is 'problematic'. There is much to discuss, to debate, to argue about. If this accidental blog plays some small part in such dialogue I will be delighted.

  5. The following Modus Operandi is a compilation of common APLE tactics used in more than a dozen cases:

    - Establish a team of spies and let them hang around touristic places.
    - Organize 'Awareness Meetings' with poor local people to teach them that every white foreign male traveling alone is a potential danger to children.
    - Offer commission to poor locals and tuk-tuk drivers for every white foreign male they spot outside the normal tourist tracks.
    - Send your spies to follow the new target.
    - Take pictures of him whenever he's interacting with children.
    - Approach the families of those children and explain them about the enormous financial benefit if they complain the foreigner.
    - Manipulate the children. Tell them to interact more with the foreigner.
    - Pressure the families. Threaten to take their children away if they don't cooperate.
    - Contact local police. Organize some 'Training' for them and offer them the latest iPad in the name of 'Empowering Local Law Enforcement'.
    - Take the children away from their families, put them in 'Shelter Homes' and pressure them into making a statements against the foreigner.
    - Have the local police arrest the foreigner, bring in the children and interrogate them.
    - Make sure the police takes two statements of every child:
    1. The real statement with the children's tiny thumbprints.
    2. A few blank forms, also thumb-printed by the children.
    - Ask the police to rewrite the statements onto the blank thumb-printed forms, adding or subtracting whatever's convenient.
    - Send out a Press Release, adding whatever sounds good and brings in donor funds.
    - Keep the children in the 'Shelter Home' and train them to repeat exactly the statement that was written on the blank thumb-printed forms.
    - Pressure the children by saying that they'll never see their mother again if they do not testify exactly as they've been told.
    - Meet the parents and tell them that it's all for the best that the children stay in the 'Shelter Home' until the trial.
    - Contact the embassy of the foreigner and present them the fabricated 'evidence' of the case.
    - Ask the embassy to put pressure on the Cambodian Government to ensure a guilty verdict.
    - Have the foreigner convicted.
    - Place another Press Release on your website.
    - Cash donor funds.
    - Expand your business!

    1. You are definitely a former APLE employee who has been sacked - you idiot!

    2. What the APLE Team has written above does indeed accord with several cases I know. But leaving that aside (my sample is small) who is going to look at such allegations with an impartial eye?

      It would be relatively easy (though time consuming) for some independent body to test each of the above allegations by talking to representatives of all involved. Such an independent monitoring body must, of course,not have a vested interest in the outcome.

      Such an independent investigation should, by rights, be conducted by the Cambodian Ministry for Justice but there are problems inherent in such an approach. It would be far preferable that such an investigation/survey be conducted by competent professionals from outside Cambodia. This could easily be arranged if there were to be a will on the part of the NGO community for it to happen.If such a will existed, all NGOs could contribute their fair share to fund to the establishment of such an investigation/survey. Actually, I think that 'survey' is the right word. Such a survey would not be set up to pinpoint certain NGOs but to establish patterns. To take but one of thr APLE allegations:

      - Pressure the families. Threaten to take their children away if they don't cooperate.

      The survey team could talk with a large number of families and find out if there is any truth to this allegation.

      And so on through the rest of the list.

      Until something along these lines happens I can't see how any sponsors and donors can feel secure that their generosity is doing good and not adding to Cambodia's problems.

      I would have thought that it was in the interests of the entire NGO community in Cambodia that such a survey be conducted. Ultimately, the term 'Scambodia' and all it implies, impacts on all NGOs - including those who do the very best and most effective work to help materially impoverished Cambodian families.

    3. APLE has a couple of very important sponsors, such as Terre des Homes and the Brittish Embassy. TdH responds to the above accusations as follows:

      "Yes, we are aware of the existence of certain websites and blogs that post these accusations, but we believe that this is just a result of the type of work they do. Not everyone likes them."

      As long as the sponsors believe these are just rumors spread to defame APLE, they will not act. But when journalists start investigating the accusations and make a strong documentary about their findings, this might change the attitude of the sponsors.

      It's the sponsors that should then hire independent investigators to look into APLE's modus operandi, just like shareholders from big company hire an independent accountant to check into allegations of corruption and fraud.

      Apart from that it's the Cambodian Government's responsibility to monitor the NGOs in the country. The Cambodian Government is already aware of the allegations. The Minister of Tourism is not happy with the way APLE presents Cambodia as a 'Heaven for Pedophiles', the courts are not happy with the constant interference from APLE and the pressure from the embassies, the Cambodian National Police is not happy with APLE because APLE doesn't coordinate anything with them and the local police is not happy because they have no more authority. For example, local police is not allowed to mention the involvement of APLE in their reports.

      APLE has violated the MOU with the government on multiple occasions. If they continue like this, they'll for sure lose their NGO license. That would be a great first step!

    4. "Where there is smoke there is fire" is a cliche, of course. It is not always true that a lot of smoke indicates a fire. A lot of smoke may indicate a deliberate attempt on the part of someone to create the appearance of a fire.

      Nonetheless, there is a lot of smoke surrounding APLE and unless there is some huge conspiracy of pedophiles and pedophile lovers who are out to destroy APLE there are lots of questions that need to be asked of and about APLE'S modus operandi. There is no one willing to ask the questions, that is the problem. And without questions being asked by people in positions of authority, by the media, unscrupulous NGOs know that they can do as they like; that on-one is going to question them pr demand that they be transparent and accountable in their activities.

    5. In the case of APLE there's more than just smoke. Over the years the evil named Action pour les Enfants has made significant burn marks in the lives of many, including innocent children and their families.

    6. Ricketson you constantly call out people as anonymous and cowards for not putting their names to accusations. IF you have creditable accusations to make then put them out there and wear the consequences you’re a coward and surround yourself with cowards the emailing to persons suggestion wrong doing and making false and scurrilous accusation will not be tolerated. Put up or shut up Ricketson. You are indeed coward. You continuously see the world as RICKETSON wants to see it you ignore facts and tell half truths. You have no creditability. As for your flea ridden mates that feed you bullshit then let’s just say people in glass house should not throw stones. You have defamed and lied and that Mr Ricketson the lies and will eventually catch up to you and your flea ridden friends.

    7. @3:07AM You mention the word 'lies', Which facts about APLE's modus operandi that are mentioned here today are not true?

      Don't change the subject, avoid the questions or attack the messenger please. Just comment on the subject.

      Do you believe that APLE's method of following foreigners and wait until the crime actually occurs is ethically correct?

    8. Dear Anonymous 3.07

      Dealing with your comment in point form:

      (1) I can understand why some people living and working in Cambodia might wish to remain anonymous. They are not cowards but people who do not wish to be intimidated, in public, by people such as yourself - with all the consequences (both personal and professional) that accompany such intimidation.

      (2) Given that I know who you are (and you know that I know who you are) why not simply identify yourself, put on your boxing gloves, get into the ring and fight like a gentleman - with facts, logical argument and not merely personal abuse?

      (3) It is not my role to make what you refer to as 'credible accusations'. It is my role, as a journalist, documentary filmmaker and blogger to ask questions - in hopes that through doing so the truth will emerge. When and if I have solid evidence that this person or that is responsible for this or that, I will then feel quite comfortable about making 'credible accusations.' Indeed, I will make one right now. The British Embassy in Thailand destroyed David Fletcher's passport whilst knowing that it contained evidence that he was not in Cambodia a the time of his alleged rapes - March 2009. This is a fact, not an opinion or an allegation.The Foreign & Commonwealth Office admits to the destruction of the passport but has offered two different explanations for it - in win writing. One is that it was a mistake and the other is that the destruction was in accordance with Embassy protocols. All this is in writing.

      Another fact is that David Fletcher was found guilty in a secret trial.

      Another is that his alleged rape victim was declared a virgin by the doctor who examined her - at the request of the court.

      I could go on. I won't. Hopefully you get my point. I discovered these facts because I asked questions. A journalist's job.

      (4) I am a coward and I surround myself with cowards! Keeping this blog is, I would have thought, hardly a cowardly thing to do and to put my name to - especially not when I have received many veiled and not so veiled threats from those who do not appreciate my asking certain questions.
      You write "making false and scurrilous accusation will not be tolerated." This strikes me as a less-than-thinly-veiled threat. Knowing as I do what power you wield in Cambodia I am well aware that you could make good this veiled threat. A coward would quake in his or her shoes. I am not. If you want to come after me, please do so. I suggest an alternative. You and I go head to head in a public debate to which any and everyone interested is invited. A debate based in logical argument and facts and not in personal abuse.
      If you are not a coward, take me up on this offer. You name the date and the venue and I will be there.

      (5) Yes, I see the world as I see it - as is the case for all of us. What is your point? be continued...

    9. (6) I ignore facts and tell half truths. Please tell me which facts I have ignored and which half-truths I have told? You will not answer this question but what you have written here is not part of any form of dialogue. It is your hope that you can both not answer questions and, at the same time, denigrate the person asking them. This tactic will work with some readers but not with others who will ask, "Why doesn't he list the facts that Ricketson is ignoring; list the half truths Ricketson has told."

      (7) My "flea ridden friends"! Which friends are these. To the best of my knowledge (because virtually everyone comments anonymously) I have never met any of my 'friends'. They are people who make comments. That is all. Some support my asking of questions. Some don't. Some think I am a nutter. Some think that I have set out to defame people such as yourself. When I ask for evidence of this they never provide me with any.

      (8) "Let's just say people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." I take this to be a mild form of intimidation and can only suggest that you throw whatever stones you like if you think that the throwing of stones is the best way of engaging with a person whose crime is asking you questions you don't want to answer.

      The offer of a debate is a genuine one, though it would not be very instructive for an audience if there were just you and me on stage. How about two teams - three on either side. A proper debate. How about "Scambodia, true or false?" Any other suggestions will be welcomed. Perhaps at Meta House.

      If such a debate were to occur there would need to be, of course, some ground rules. No personal abuse is an obvious one. I would like to suggest another. No mention of any NGOs by name. The debate would be about much more important things than individual NGOs but about the whole 'philosophy' (for want of a better word) that informs NGO intervention ion a country like Cambodia.

    10. A debate. What a splendid idea, Mr Ricketson. A good old fashioned gentlemanly debate in the Oxford/Cambridge tradition. To quote a less than illustrious former President of the United States, "Bring it on."

    11. Argumentation

      "A man never tells you anything until you contradict him."

      George Bernard Shaw

      Team Debate Format

      1AC (first Affirmative Constructive) – 6 minutes

      A good introduction that attracts the audiences attention and interest in the topic
Clearly state the resolution
Clearly state each of your contentions
 support with reason and evidence
Conclude effectively.

      Cross Ex of the Aff by one of the Neg – 3 minutes

      You ask questions – have a strategy or at the very least a direction to your questioning. 
Be courteous - Face the audience

      1NC (first Negative Constructive) – 6 minutes

      A good introduction that attracts the audience’s attention and interest in the topic
Clearly state the Negative’s position on the topic. 
Clearly state the Negative’s Observations. Support with reason and evidence
      Attack and question the Affirmative’s Contentions/evidence
Conclude effectively

      Cross Ex of the Neg by one of the Aff – 3 minutes. 

      You ask questions – have a strategy or at the very least a direction to your questioning
Be courteous - Face the audience.

      2AC (second Affirmative Constructive) – 6 minutes

      A good introduction that attracts the audience’s attention and interest in the topic. 
Clearly state each of your contentions – (the 2AC may issue additional contentions )
 support with reason and evidence
      Respond to Negative arguments/attacks 
Conclude effectively.

      Cross Ex of the Aff by the other Neg – 3 minutes.

You ask questions – have a strategy or at the very least a direction to your questioning. 
Be courteous - Face the audience

      2NC (second Negative Constructive) – 6 minutes

      A good introduction that attracts the audiences attention and interest in the topic
. Clearly state the Negative’s Observations – the second Neg can introduce additional Observations
. Support with reason and evidence
. Attack and question the Affirmative’s Contentions/evidence
Conclude effectively

      Cross Ex of the Neg by the other Aff – 3 minutes 

      You ask questions – have a strategy or at the very least a direction to your questioning. 
Be courteous - Face the audience

      Rebuttal Speeches – no new arguments – new evidence and analysis are ok

      1NR (first Negative Rebuttal ) – 4 minutes

Rebuild the Neg case 
Summarize how the Neg position is superior and the Aff has not carried the burden-of-proof
. Conclude effectively

      1AR (first Affirmative Rebuttal) - 4 minutes.

Respond to the Neg arguments, rebuild the Aff case and contentions – extend arguments 
 and give additional support for them
Conclude effectively

      1NR (Negative Rebuttal) – 4 minutes.

Respond to latest Affirmative arguments
Make your final case to the audience that the Neg position is superior to the Aff.

Try and convince the audience the Aff has failed to carry the burden of proof

      Summarize the debate and conclude effectively and ask for the audience to agree with the Neg position

      2AR (second Affirmative Rebuttal) – 4 minutes

      Respond to final Negative arguments
Summarize the debate and show the audience how the Aff position is superior – 
 and the Aff has carried the burden of proof
Conclude effectively.

    12. A debate would sure separate the cowards from the courageous. I doubt that there is even one NGO in the country will the balls to take part in any sort of debate in which the word 'Scambodia' appears.

  6. @ Anonymous February 3, 2015 at 3:07 AM (the khmer440 blogger)

    You just identified yourself using the very same argument: "Put up or
    shut up" that some time ago you used on

    You are the one that another blogger said, "talking to you is like talking to a lynch mob."

    Your language suggests that you are indeed at the very bottom of the
    khmer440 bottomfeeders and nothing more that scared that you loose your
    little volunteer snitch job.

    Here are a few examples of your language:

    'flea ridden mates', 'bullshit', 'you idiot!', 'nut job', 'utter garbage', 'psychotic
    'episodes', 'vexatious pest', 'blogs stink of stale piss and wind'.

    And you want to lecture people about their shortcomings in the english language?

    How about joining the debate with real "Credible Content" and stop
    hiding behind your Anonymous identity ? The fool you make of yourself
    must be obvious even to those that do'nt agree with some points made
    here. They must be outright mad to associate with a ?? like you but i am
    sure the NGOs must love you for your volunteer work.

  7. It's been more than 24 hours after this blog entry was posted and none of do-gooders of the NGOs have responded to the question if they believe that APLE's tactics of following foreigners and wait until the crime occurs is an ethically correct method.

    The fact that this is the common practice cannot be denied. Here's clear evidence:

    People just seem to accept the fact that children are being abused while APLE is observing the events from a safe distance.

    Does any of the do-gooders reading this blog have a conscience?

  8. Dear APLE Team

    If you ask any of those on the list above privately, (and I have) they will say, off the record, that they believe David Fletcher is entitled to a fair trial. They will not go on record, however, as to do so would render them persona non grata with those others on the list who do not want the status quo to be disturbed.

    Some on this list that I have asked this question insist that they do not read or comment on my blog. I know this to be untrue. I can readily identify three of the 'Anonymous' commentators through their use of language, writing rhythms and other clues they leave without realising that they are leaving them.

    My suggestion of a debate, made yesterday, was made of the top of my head. I think it a good idea but I think my flippant suggestion of a topic "Scambodia, true or false?" is off-beam. It is too heavily laden with preconceptions. It needs to be more neutral. Along the lines, perhaps of: "NGOs improve the quality of life for impoverished Cambodians."

    As for APLE's tactic of waiting till a crime has been committed, recording it and then using what it has recorded as advertising for itself, I think this reprehensible. The moment any NGO has solid evidence that a child is in danger, the child should be removed from the dangerous situation - even if this means that the potential perpetrator walks free. I profess to no expertise in this area but it would seem to me that the following is worth considering:

    (1) An NGO becomes aware that a child is at risk.
    (2) The NGO notifies the parents and police.
    (3) If the parents seem to be complicit they are not notified at this point.
    (4) The child is removed from the situation in which he/she is in danger.
    (5) The child is interviewed by trained professionals. The interview in tape-recorded.
    (6) If there seems to be evidence that the child is at serious risk of abuse s/he is taken out of harm's way.
    (7) The potential perpetrator is interviewed also and informed that there is some concern that he does not have the best interests of the child at heart and that there are suspicions that he may be intent upon committing an offence against the child. The potential perpetrator is left in no doubt that he is being observed. It is suggested to him that if his intentions are not pure he might like to leave Cambodia and not come back.

    Such a modus operandi would not provide for great photo opportunities for NGOs trying to raise money through sensational media stories but it would prevent the abuse from occurring.

    1. Exactly! And one doesn't have to be an expert to come up with this. It's the only logic procedure IF protecting children truly is main priority.

      The only problem is how to get funding. Writing in your reports that in 2015 there were ZERO victims, ZERO arrests and ZERO convictions makes donors question the NGO's right of existence. They may have prevented 250 cases of abuse, but how can they prove if?

      APLE's existence is not a contribution to anyone, except for the business behind it. Does Cambodia need an NGO with a $500.000 annual budget that handles only 12-16 cases per year? If APLE's entire budget would be in the hands of Friends International and invested in the Child Safe program, Cambodian children would be a lot safer!

      Child Protection should be community based. There should be awareness among local villagers, hotel staff and tuk-tuk drivers. In case of suspicion, they should not call APLE but walk up to the foreigner and ask about his intentions or tell him that his behavior is inappropriate in Cambodian Culture.

    2. A funny anecdote.Or it would be funny under different circumstances.

      A tuk tuk drover I got to know over a period of a few years was always parked outside a certain hotel. I never once saw him with a passenger and felt sorry for him. One day I offered hims triple the ordinary fare to take me on a short trip inside Phnom Penh. He said he couldn't because he was busy. He didn't look busy to me!

      After this had happened a few times I realised that he did not want and was not looking for passengers. I suspected that he might be a spy. I knew him well enough to confront him with this proposition and he just laughed and shook his head.

      Some time later, when I knew him better, he told me that he had a few clients; that he was in fact a spy. He would not tell him who he was spying for but, given the location of this particular hotel and its proximity to 'girlie bars' my guess is NGOs on the look out for pedophiles.

      After five years of knowing this man I have never once seen him with a customer so I guess whoever is paying him is paying him well. However...

      It is hard to imagine that whoever is paying him (more than one 'client') continues to pay him if he does not deliver the goods.

      As anyone who has spent a lot of time in Cambodia knows, if there is a lot of NGO money floating around here will be no shortage of Cambodians thinking up ways to get their hands on some of it. So, if the words goes out that there is money to be made by tuk tuk drivers if they help catch 'pedophiles', of course a lot of tuk tuk drivers are going to sign up. And, once having signed up, they know that they are expected to deliver. ANd, of course, the NGOs that are investing their money in tuk tuk drivers and other informers need to deliver also - bodies. Men who may or may not be pedophiles but whose conviction (particualrly if there are great photos and TV footage) is required to keep their donors and sponsors happy. This is a very bad model - open to abuse.

      If the figure of $500,000 a year is correct, for only 12 - 16 cases, is this $500,000 well spent. And how many of these cases involve Khmers? Or are these just the cases involving foreigners? Do you have any more precise figures, APLE Team?

      The only way that this supply and demand model is going to come to an end is if the Cambodian government stops outsourcing its policing to NGOs like APLE and takes control of it. NGOs such as FRIENDS can, as they do already, play an important role in community based education and at least some of this $500,000 would be better spent on prevention rather than ambulance chasing.

      The ambulance should not be parked at the intersection waiting for an accident to happen because the traffic lights don't work. The ambulance drivers should fix the lights.

      One other way that the Cambodian government could intervene to dissuade the APLE model would be to apply a ban on filming of the kind APLE engages in being passed on to the media. If APLE or any other NGO requires such footage for legal reasons, to use in court, fine. But not if the footage is going to be given to TV stations and sensationalist media outlets to be used for fund-raising.

      The recent Channel NewsAsia APLE and CCF infomercial is an example of what should not happen. I am sure that the program rated well (everyone hates pedophiles). Broadcasters and film producers on the lookout for a high rating show could easily approach NGOs and say, "Have you got any juicy stories for use?" - thereby setting up a demand that certain NGOPs will be only too happy to supply.

  9. Part # 2 Tom Selig:

    Thierry Darnaudet, APLE Founder & President get's involved:
    Fri Sep 29 09:54:35 2006

    Let me use whatever email address I feel convenient to, and let me decide if i have time to make the effort to follow all your conditions and decision. Please, go and find other people to disturb. I have no time with all your madness. I am just not interested to talk and communicate with you. Do not reply to this email and in any case know that I am blocking your email address.

    Mr. Thierry Darnaudet

    James Dunsmore replies:

    Cher Monsier Damaudet,

    Please be advised due to the sensitive nature of this situation, I will not respond to someone claiming to be the President of an International NGO using a personal Yahoo email account. If you have something to say, an official email address that can be verified as belonging to APLE or Global Humanitaria will be needed for further
    correspondence. I am interested in hearing from you officially as I have received what I perceive to be an extremely threatening letter from your outgoing Director for the Cambodia region which I can only interpret as a direct provocation for an escalation of official action against your Organization. I await your official reply.

    Sincerely, James Dunsmore BSSC, Tech SP

    Darnaudet Thierry’s response

    Mr Dunsmore,

    Thank you for all you very interesting emails. But, please, take note that we have no interest, whatsoever to be in touch with you or to receive any intelligence from your part. I am requesting you to stop harrassing us as we are enough busy and we have no time to waste. Feel free to take any step you want and we will re-act accordingly, but for god sake, give us a break.

    Sincerely, MR Darnaudet Thierry.

    According to the current owner of the OASIS Guesthouse in the Center of
    Sihanoukville, Katherine Kaene resigned because she could not tolerate of being pushed by Darnaudet to write outright "Lies" in her reports as dictated by Darnaudet and with her conscience left in disgust. The Oasis Hotel claims that he asked Darnaudet and Keane during their stay at his Hotel, why they did not combat the very source of the evil of human trafficking of young girls from the North of Vietnam which turned up in the slum brothels in Cambodia directly in Vietnam ? By helping the poor families to make ends meet, they did not have to sell their children to Traffickers. They both just returned a stunned look and did not reply anything.

    The comments of the Khmer440 bottom feeders and APLE volunteer assassination gang sound like you are talking to a lynch mob as one khmer440 blogger said some time ago. The mere fact that these people blog under Anonymous means that they got a lot to hide. They are possibly not as lilywhite as they try to portrait themself and their main concern is to loose their source of income in being a snitch hanging around girlie bars in Phnom Penh etc. feeding the APLE Machine. In all this debate one tends to forget who created this PROTECT Program in the first place. No other than French national Thierry Darnaudet, a suicidal (july 27 in Calcutta 4 star hotel) backpacker with no background other than beeing a frustrated librarian on a search for a reason to live. His PROTECT Program was largely financed and supported
    by spanish of his buddy Andre's Torres. I was not surprised to see the US Government immediately take a liking in this program and adapted it into US Law. The NSA must have been extremely grateful to Darnaudet since they sent the US Ambassador to pay a visit to APLE. Even Bill Clinton was not too far off when he visited 's Phnom Penh Office (a financial support NGO of the first day's of APLE).

    To get all this into the perspective of what happened in the past 10 years here is an old email exchange between Canadian Aid worker and Aple's Katherine Keane (operating in Sihanoukville) in 2006.

    Yes, the words snitch and entrapment are used even back than.

    It's time for Cambodia to get rid of NGO like APLE & Co.

    1. The comment above of Tom Selig's has twice been posted and disappeared. Hopefully this time it will remain intact.

  10. What a pleasant chappie Mr Darnaduet sounds. Always polite, ready to answer questions...
