Wednesday, October 22, 2014

# 11 Some questions for Peter Hogan (aka keeping_it_reil)

Dear Peter Hogan

I am making a film and writing a book that will feature the circumstances surrounding the arrest and jailing of David Fletcher for the rape of Yang Dany.

I wish to give all those directly or indirectly involved in this saga an opportunity to answer some questions that have arisen for me as I consider the evidence for and against Fletcher.

I am starting with you because, by your own admission, you played a significant role in the fate that has befallen Mr Fletcher – sentenced to 10 years in jail for a rape he may or may not have committed.

On Wed 2nd Oct 2013, at 3.33 pm, you posted the following comment on Khmer440 under the moniker ‘keeping it riel’ in celebration of David Fletcher’s recently announced jail sentence:

“Cold drinks will most certainly be taken this evening to toast Fletcher's first night in his new abode.

I recall that 4(!) years ago when Grandslam and myself hatched our plan, we made a sequential list of desirable outcomes beginning with getting his 'charity' closed then moving onto having his shithole-in-the-wall bar closed, having him outed in the press (and fuck, did we achieve that one!) etc etc.

Today, the last box on the sheet ('Fletch in Prey Sar') was finally ticked off so I'll allow myself a few strong drinkies in celebration and will be raising my glass to Grandslam back in the UK.

Goodnight Cambodia and good mental health.”

You have congratulated yourself on a job well done, Peter. Now let’s see if you deserve such self-praise.

The question for me, as an investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker, is whether or not there is sufficient evidence that Fletcher is guilty of rape for him to have been convicted by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court.

You and ‘Grandslam’ seem to entertain no doubts at all! Indeed, so convinced were you and ‘Grandslam’ of David Fletcher’s guilt you devoted four years to achieving the outcome you desired.

QUESTION: Who is Grandslam?

QUESTION: Do you believe, on the basis of the evidence you have at your disposal,  that David Fletcher is guilty of having raped Yang Dany on 15th and 22nd March 2009? If so, could you please share with Cambodia 440 readers just what this evidence is?

The following quote from yourself, in the guise of ‘keeping it riel’ is evidence not of Fletcher’s guilt or innocence but of your own feelings for the man.

“This thread isn't about NGO bashing or reputable charities. It's about one man who's been a shitstain on the underpants of Cambodia since he arrived (having been kicked out of the scuzziest corner of Thailand) three (?) years ago.”

Could it be, Pewter, that your dislike of Fletcher has coloured your judgment:

QUESTION: What evidence do you have that Fletcher was ‘kicked out’ of Thailand?

QUESTION: What role did Humphrey Collins, alias ‘martlatham’ play in the plan you ‘hatched’ four years ago. Humphrey boasts of it in his own somewhat less than humble way on Sunday 20th June 2010 at 11.10 pm.

“Fletcher, my part in his downfall. I can see the headline already. But will the Mirror buy my story? Stewie was the instigator, I was merely the instrument. Will I have to share the loot with stews estate?”

And here is another Humphrey Collins gem:

“… I have known fletcher for three years. The guy is a racist, xenophobic, lying, stealing cunt. And a controlling, lying child abuser. Do I have to say any more?”

No, Humphrey, you don’t have to say more! You’ve said more than enough for readers to form a pretty good idea of the sort of person you are. I will have a few questions for you further down the track, however. In the meantime, back to you, Peter:

On Mon May 17, 2010 5:08 pm, as ‘keeping it riel’ you wrote:

“A handful of longstanding 440 members who I know in real life and implicitly trust are already in the loop. The rest of you will just have to wait. But, I guarantee it will be worth the wait.”

The loop you refer to is, of course, the plan you were, by your own admission, instrumental in hatching to bring down David Fletcher. Along with your co-conspirators!

Dear Cambodia 440 readers, remember this date. 17th May. This is a little more than a month before Andrew Drummond wrote the article that set in motion the sequence of events that led to David Fletcher’s arrest in Thailand and to his receiving a 10 years jail sentence for raping Yang Dany.
Let’s go back to as close to the beginning of your involvement in this saga as I have been able to go to date.

On 18th July 2009 you wrote on Khmer440 of a number of very serious allegations against David Fletcher”:

“It has been suggested that he is an on-the-run fugitive from British justice, has stolen charity money meant for homeless Khmers and, as an added extra, has an unnatural interest in small girls.”

Your use of the phrase “it has been suggested” is disingenuous. It is you who is making the suggestion in public and throwing it out there for your readers/audience to comment on.

QUESTION: What evidence did you have in July 2009 that Fletcher had “an unnatural interest in small girls.”?

QUESTION: What do you consider to constitute ‘unnatural interest’?

QUESTION: Do you have any evidence, in October 2014, that Fletcher had “an unnatural interest in small girls.” If so, could you please let me know what it is?

On 3rd July Kit Hargreaves, alias, Bubble T, wrote of David Fletcher:

“I decided to do my own research, and here were my conclusions:

Lots of people don't like the guy. That in itself is fortunately not a crime, plenty of people don't like me either. - There doesn't seem to be any real evidence of any untoward activities with kids. I saw KiR's supposedly incriminating photo yesterday, and it was crap, just a picture of a fat old white guy hugging some Khmer kids at a rubbish dump. I've been told many times that "there are credible people who have seen this, that, blah blah blah", but not one of them will stand up and say it themselves, leading me to suspect they are full of shit. The initial thread on him…totally lost the plot when people started publicly accusing someone they barely know of being a pedophile. I'm not cool with this happening on my website, and if it happens again, you'd better have a lot more evidence than a picture of people having a group hug… Just because someone posts something on this site, doesn't mean I agree with it.”

Kit’s response here, at the very beginning of the ‘witch hunt’ to ‘get’ Fletcher is both commonsensical and acknowledges that no-one should be accused in public of a crime if the accusation is not backed up by solid evidence. Leaving aside the question of defamation, I am sure, Peter, that you would not appreciate having unsubstantiated allegations thrown around in public about you. Am I right? And this applies to others reading this. 

I have a lot of evidence that has not, to date, seen the light of day because no-one has bothered to go looking for it. This evidence suggests, very strongly, that David Fletcher is not guilty of having raped Yang Dany. Indeed, the evidence suggests that it was virtually impossible for Fletcher to have raped Yang Dany under the circumstances presented to the court. I will be presenting this evidence, in full, in due course.

In the meantime I invite anyone who is reading this blog who might have evidence that I do not have regarding David Fletcher to send it to me – either via this blog or to my email address:

Whilst I would prefer that such ‘evidence’ not be presented to me anonymously, I can understand why it might be. And, if confidentially is required, I can promise that also, in writing.

I am interested in the facts of this case; in facts backed up by evidence. Whilst providing an interesting insight into the thoughts processes of certain expats, statements such as the following, from ‘Captain Bonez’ are not being sought.

“…if he wasnt such a filthy fuck in the beginning though then he might not be flying blind through this shitstorm, who cares how and why he gets convicted, the guy is pure filth covered in skin, fuck him, i hope he dies, alone.”

This was ‘Captain Bonez’s’ contribution to the discussion about whether or not Fletcher had been convicted on the basis of evidence or rumour, innuendo and scuttlebutt.

Here is another of Captain Bonez’s contributions on the same topic:

“God, you bunch of hippie fucking faggots, throw democracy out the window just for a minute (not the rest of time) and let this cunt rot, rant over, im gonna order some bread and croquettes and get filthy with some brown sauce.”

I will not delete comments such as these. Indeed, I will delete nothing.

….to be continued


  1. You are a cunt, Mr Ricketson, just like that kiddie-fiddler Fletcher. You should rot in jail like him the scumbag.

  2. The reason why you are still banned Ricketson and why you will always be banned is that Scott Neeson is the new owner of Khmer440 and does not tolerate anyone who says nasty things about his megolomania and the multi-millionaire empire he is carving out for himself in Cambodia exploiting poor people. Watch you back. Neeson has powerful friends.
