Monday, October 27, 2014

# 24 David Fletcher’s court hearing

David Fletcher’s court hearing

In brief:

The court hearing was played by the book.

Three judges presided and the hearing was open to the public.

The Judges informed Mr Fletcher that he cannot defend himself on a felony charge, as he had hoped to do; that he must be represented by a lawyer.

The court will appoint a lawyer for him. This process will take a few weeks – after which the next hearing will take place as soon as possible.

Mr Fletcher had an opportunity to address the judges. He requested the presence of Yang Dany for cross-examination at his next court appearance. He was able to hand up to the judges his two statements to the court – one in Khmer and the other in English. These are now on file.

The correct procedures were followed throughout the hearing and there is every reason to believe that the presiding judges will adjudicate this matter, in due course, in accordance with the Cambodian Code of Criminal Procedure.

The media was represented by the ‘Cambodia Daily’. LICADHO or ADHOC did not send representatives.


  1. If Mr Fletcher receives a fair trail ti will be a victory for justice. Whether he is found guilty or innocent is not the point, as long as the verdict is based on evidence and not for any of the other many reasons why the accused in this country are deemed to be innocent or guilty.

  2. If Fletcher gets off theres going to be a lot of red faces. Not just all those on Khmer440 who spent years vilifying him but human rights groups like Licadho and Ad Hoc that obviously don't think expatriate men have human rights worth protecting. Is this because they are run by women whop think deep down that all men are rapists and any man who has anything to do with any kid in Cambodia must be pedophile.

    1. I cannot speculate as to why ADHOC and LICADHO have taken no interest in Mr Fletcher's human rights and the abuse of his legal rights that would have been obvious to both human rights organisations if they had just bothered to look at the court documents. The medical report submitted to the court makes it clear that Yang Dany remained a virgin after her alleged rape. This should have set alarm bells ringing for ADHOC and LICADHO but nether bothered to look at the court documents. Perhaps both NGOs presumed that what they had read on Khmer440 was true?

      Now that LICADHO and ADHOC know that Yang Dany was not raped (by her own admission and the medical report) both NGOs have still decided to take no interest in the case. Don't ask me why. Ask both NGOs!

  3. This could backfire on you Mr Ricketson if the publicity you have brought to Mr Fletcher's case results in more charges being laid against him. You are a fool.

    1. Should I not have brought Mr Fletcher's case to the attention of the public? On what grounds? Lest he be charged with further offences?

      I am not advocating on behalf of Fletcher's innocence (though there is zero evidence of his guilt) but of his right, in Cambodian law, to a fair trail. This has been denied to him for roughly four and a half years.

      If, quite separately from the rape allegations, there are other allegations in relation to Fetcher's 'grooming' or other illegal dealings with children, these should be dealt with in accordance with Cambodian law - with evidence presented to the court and with Mr Fletcher able to defend himself.

  4. Anonymous above, do you mean more false charges by Khmer440 and NGO's. Very sad that so many expats in Cambodia have only one human emotions left....HATE!

    1. Yes, David Fletcher was tried and found guilty on the basis of scuttlebutt, innuendo and rumour to be found on Khmer440, orchestrated by Peter Hogan - a man who boasts of his plot to see Fletcher in jail. This was blood sport for Hogan and there were plenty of others who joined in with glee. One of these, Humphrey Collins, has recently had to return to Australia - his liver shot from the excess of booze that has passed through it over the years. Perhaps there is some karma operating here.

  5. Any response from Neeson about whether he is the new owner of Khmer440 or not?

  6. No response to this question or any others.

  7. It's Neeson, believe me. This is why you will never see any criticism of him or the Cambodian Children's Fund on Khmer440

  8. So they run a full trial without Fletcher or his attorney, they find him guilty and sentence him to 10 years in prison. Then at a hearing, they postpone because he doesn't have an attorney? Interesting Cambodian justice!
